Scicluna starts work as European statistical governance Rapporteur

Labour MEP Edward Scicluna has been appointed as the European Parliament’s Rapporteur on Robust Quality Management of European Statistics.
The report by Prof Scicluna, who is Vice-Chairman of the Parliament’s Economic committee, will include the Parliament’s recommendations on seeking agreement on a quality management framework for EU statistics related to the economic governance package.
Prof Scicluna said:
“The crisis in Greece and elsewhere in the eurozone was partly caused by poor quality, and in some cases fraudulent, economic statistics. Now that we have agreed to have greater EU level oversight and surveillance of fiscal policy it is important to work out how this will operate in practice.
Although we have spent the last year working on economic governance, the truth is that without reliable statistical data the ‘six pack’ will not work. This goes for the entire field of European economic policy.”
Prof Scicluna has also started work as the Socialist and Democrat group spokesman on legislation on the European system of Accounts (ESA). This regulation, which will apply to all EU countries, will be negotiated between MEPs and government ministers between now and early 2012.


Edward Scicluna se jhejji Rapport
fuq il-governanza tal-istatistika Ewropea

L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna nghata l-inkarigu mill-Parlament Ewropew (PE) biex ihejji Rapport dwar il-governanza tal-istatistika Ewropea. Ir-Rapport qed jissejjah “Robust Quality Management of European Statistics”.
Ir-Rapport ta’ Prof. Scicluna, li jokkupa l-kariga ta’ Vici-President tal-Kumitat ghall-Affarijiet Ekonomici u Monetarji (ECON), se jkun jinkludi r-rakkomandazzjonijiet tal-PE bilghan li jintlahaq ftehim dwar qafas ta’ tmexxija soda tal-istatistika tal-Unjoni Ewropea relatata mal-Pakkett ta’ Governanza.
“Parti mill-krizi fil-Grecja u f’pajjizi ohrajn taz-Zona Ewro hija dovuta ghall-fatt li kien hemm kwalita fqira, u f’certi kazi qarrieqa, ta’ statistika ekonomika. Issa, li qbilna li l-UE ghandu jkollha kwalita ta’ sorveljanza fiskali aktar wiesgha u aktar b’sahhitha, huwa importanti li naraw kif inhaddmuha fil-prattika,” qal Prof. Scicluna.
Zied jghid li “ghalkemm qattajna s-sena l-ohra kollha nahsbu fuq il-governanza ekonomika, il-verita hi li jekk ma jkollokx statistika ta’ min jorbot fuqha, il-mizura maghrufa bhala ‘Six Pack’ ma tahdimx. Dan japplika ghall-qasam kollu tal-politika ekonomika Ewropea.”
Sadattant Prof. Scicluna beda hidma ohra bhala Kelliem ghall-Grupp tas-Socjalisti u d-Demokratici (S&D) dwar il-legislazzjoni fuq is-sistema ewropea ta’ accounts (ESA). Din il-legislazzjoni, li se tkun tapplika ghall-pajjizi kollha tal-Unjoni Eweropea, se tkun negozjata bejn Membri Parlamentari Ewropej u Ministri tal-gvernijiet minn issa sa kmieni s-sena d-diehla.


One response to “Scicluna starts work as European statistical governance Rapporteur”

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