MEP Edward Scicluna represents Labour Party on PES ‘Growth and Jobs Pact’


The expert group are finalising the policy document ‘Pact for Growth and Jobs in Europe’, which will be presented by centre-left Prime Ministers and Leaders at the eurozone crisis Summit on June 28th.

EU countries each nominated a national expert to represent their party. The Pact includes a series of policy proposals aimed at tackling youth unemployment and kick-starting the European economy, with particular focus on renewing European industry and innovation.


MEP Edward Scicluna welcoming ECB President Mario Draghi in the European Parliament

Prof Scicluna said:

“From the start of this crisis our Group in the European Parliament had made it clear that without growth we will not be able to reduce debt and deficit levels. Conservative leaders across Europe are now belatedly realising that an economic diet consisting solely of spending cuts is plunging the European economy into a deep and sustained recession.  Even Malta today can declare that it is technically in a recession due to a fall of its GDP in the last two successive quarters.”

“This growth and jobs pact is clear – we need an employment pact which prioritises selective public investment to make our industries and businesses as competitive and innovative as possible.”

Among the proposals discussed was the proposal of a European Youth Guarantee to combat youth unemployment and a European Employment Pact offering incentives for businesses to create jobs.  Prof. Scicluna proposed a number of useful amendments especially with regards to the Youth Guarantee in the light of the positive feedback to the Labour Party’s own Youth Pledge that would guarantee a right for every young person in Malta to be in education, training or employment. 

Referring to this, Prof Scicluna said:

The Labour party’s Youth Guarantee is a perfect example of a policy to be followed in other EU countries. With unemployment in the EU being at its highest level for many years, particularly amongst young people, we must take all possible steps to ensure that we do not leave a whole generation on the scrapheap.”

Prof. Edward Scicluna jirrapreżenta lill-Partit Laburista fil-laqgħa dwar il-Patt tal-PSE għal-Tkabbir u Ħolqien tax-Xogħol

L-Ewroparlamentari Prof. Edward Scicluna il-bieraħ irrapreżenta lil Partit Laburista f’laqgħa ta’ esperti ekonomiċi organizzata mill-Partit tas-Soċjalisti Ewropew (PSE) li jagħmel parti minnu l-Partit Laburista.

Dan il-grupp ta’ esperti qiegħed bħalissa jiffinalizza abbozz tad-dokument ‘Patt għall-Tkabbir u Ħolqien tax-Xogħol fl-Ewropa’ li ħa jkun ippreżentat mill-mexxejja ewlenin soċjal-demokratiċi fis-Summit Ewropew li ħa jsir fit-28 ta’ Gunju fuq il-kriżi taż-żona Euro.

Il-pajjiżi tal-UE kollha nnominaw espert nazzjonali biex jirrapreżenta lill-partit tagħhom. Il-Patt jinkludi fih numru ta’ proposti immirati biex jikkumbattu in-nuqqas ta’ xogħol fost iż- żgħażagħ u biex jerġgħu iqajjmu fuq saqajha l-ekonomija Ewropea, b’attenzjoni partikolari li tingħata lill-industrija u l-innovazzjoni Ewropea.

Prof. Scicluna qal:

“Mill-bidu nett ta’ din il-kriżi l-grupp tagħna ġewwa l-Parlament Ewropew għamilha ċara li mingħajr tkabbir ekonomiku, il-livell tad-dejn u tad-defiċit ma jistax jonqos.  Il-mexxejja Konservattivi madwar l-Ewropa qegħdinfl-aħħar jirrealizzaw li dieta ekonomiku li tikkonsisti biss fi qtugħ tal-infieq qed titfa’ lill-ekonomija Ewropea f’riċessjoni profonda u sostnuta.  Anke Malta illum, tista tiddikjara li qegħda teknikament f’riċessjoni hekk kif il-Prodott Gross Domestiku tagħna waqa fl-aħħar kwart tas-sena l-oħra u l-istess fl-ewwel kwart ta’ din is-sena.”

“Dan il-Patt għal-tkabbir u ħolqien tax-xogħol huwa ċar – hemm bżonn Patt dwar il-ħolqien tax-xogħol li jagħti prijorita lill-investiment pubbliku selettiv biex jagħmel l-industriji u n-negozji tagħna kemm jista jkun kompettitivi u innovativi.”

Fost il-proposti diskussa kien hemm il-proposta ta’ Garanzija Ewropea għaż-Żgħażagħ biex tiġġieled il-qagħad fost iż-żgħażagħ u Patt ewropew għax-xogħol li joffri inċentivi għan-negozji biex joħolqu x-xogħol.  Prof. Scicluna ppropona numru ta’ amendi siewja speċjalment fir-rigward tal-Garanzija għaż-Żgħażagħ fid-dawl tal-feedback pożittiv li l-inizzjattiva tal-Partit Laburista dwar il-Garanzija lejn iż- żgħażagħ li tiggarantixxi lil kullżagħżugħ/a Malti/ja d-dritt li jkollu tagħlim, taħrig jew xogħol.

B’referenza għal dan, Prof. Scicluna qal:

“Il-Garanzija ta’ Tagħlim, Taħrig u Xogħol għaż-żgħażagħ tal-Partit Laburista hija eżempju perfett ta’ policy li għandha tiġi segwita minn pajjiżi oħra Ewropej.  Bil-qagħad fl-UE ikun fl-ogħla livelli tiegħu għall-ħafna snin, speċjalment fost iż-żgħażagħ, għandna nieħdu kull miżura possibli biex niżguraw li ma nħallux ġenerazzjoni sħiħa ta’ żgħażagħ tintrema.”


– Friday, 8th June, 2012

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