L-MEP u INT – Prog 39 – Maternity Leave

Nhar l-Erbgha, 20 ta’ Ottubru, 2010, il-Parlament Ewropew imlaqqa’ fi Strasbourg, approva rapport li permezz tieghu qed jintalab li l-leave tal-maternita minn 14-il gimgha kif inhu bhalissa jittella’ ghal 20 gimgha. Ir-Rapport jitlob wkoll li jkun introdott leave tal-paternita ghal gimghatejn. L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista Malti l-Professur Edward Scicluna ddiskuta dan is-suggett fit-39 programm televiziv L-MEP U INT.

Maternity Leave

The European Parliament, convened in Strasbourg, approved on Wednesday 20, 2010, a Report stating that the minimum maternity leave in the EU should be extended from 14 to 20 weeks fully paid. An entitlement to paid paternity leave of at least two weeks was also approved. Maternity Leave was the subject tackled with Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna during his last L-MEP U INT TV programme, the 39th in the series. Smash TV airs L-MEP U INT every Friday at 7.20 p.m


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