PES Congress – Brussels

MEP Prof Edward Scicluna formed part of a PL delegation let by Dr Joseph Muscat to attend the the 9th PES Congress held in Brussels between the 28th and 29th September 2012.
Prof Scicluna took part in a special economic experts meeting from leading EU countries under the Chairmanship of Hannes Swoboda, currently President of the EP Group of Socialists and Democrats (S&D). They discussed in depth the PES position paper on the EU Budget for the next seven year framework.
Prof Scicluna explained Malta’s position and the risks it is exposed to if the EU Budget were to be cut. The meeting took note of this position and promised that they will fight against any budget cuts during this stage of EU development.



L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista il-Professur Edward Scicluna ifforma parti mid-delegazzjoni tal-Partit Laburista mmexxija minn Dr Joseph Muscat li ħadet sehem fid-disa’ kungress tal-Partit tas-Soċjalisti Ewropej li saret fi Brussell bejn 1t-28 u d-29 ta’ Settembru 2012.
Il-Professur Scicluna  ħa sehem f’laqgħa speċjali ta’ esperti ekonomiċi minn pajjiżi membri tal-Unjoni Ewropea u li kienet preseduta minn Hannes Swoboda li kien għadu jokkupa l-kariga ta’ President tal-Grupp Parlamentari tas-Soċjalisti u Demokratiċi fil-Parlament Ewropew. F’din  il-laqgħa ġiet diskussa fid-dettal id-dokument tal-Partit tas-Soċjalisti Ewropej dwar il-pożizzjoni tiegħu fir-rigward tal-baġit tal-Unjoni Ewropea għall-perjodu tas-seba’ snin li ġejjin.

Il-Professur Scicluna spjega il-pożizzjoni ta’ Malta u tkellem dwar ir-riskji li Malta hija esposta għalihom jekk ikun hemm tnaqqis fil-baġit. L-esperti f’din il-laqgħa ħadu nota ta’ din il-pożizzjoni u wegħdu li huma se jirreżistu u li se jiġġieldu kontra kull tnaqqis fil-baġit waqt dan l-istadju ta’ żvilupp fl-Unjoni Ewropea.


– PES : 29th September, Brussels


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