L-MEP u INT – Prog 53 – Mekkanizmu ta’ stabbilita finanzjarja permanenti ghaz-zona ewro

L-esperjenza li ghaddiet, u ghadha ghaddejja minnha z-Zona Ewro talbet li ghandu jkun hemm xi forma ta’ mekkanizmu ta’ stabbilita finanzjarja permanenti ghaz-Zona Ewro. Il-process ghadu ghaddej peress li l-holqien tal-mekkanizmu msemmi jitlob, ghall-inqas hekk qed tghid il-Germanja, tibdil fit-Trattat Ewropew. Kif maghmula l-proposta mill-Kunsill Ewropew tista’ tkun tfisser li pajjizi zghar bhal Malta, anke jekk fi krizi finanzjarja kbira li tista’ tfallihom, jistghu ma jibbenefikawx.

Dan gie diskuss fil-programm L-MEP U INT imtella’ fuq Smash Television tal-Gimgha 28 ta’ Jannar, 2011. L-MEP U INT, li matulu jkunu diskussi diversi temi, jixxandar fuq Smash Television kull nhar ta’ Gimgha fis-7.20 p.m. b’ripetizzjoni l-Hadd ta’ wara fis-5.40 p.m.

A Mechanism of permanent stability in the Euro Zone

The experience that the Euro Zone went through and is still going through requested that there should be some form of mechanism of permanent stability in the Euro Zone. The process is still going on since such mechanism demands, according to Germany, amendments in the European Treaty. The way the proposal is drawn up by the European Council could mean that small countries like Malta, even if they are in a serious financial crisis that could result in bankruptcy, do not benefit.

This was discussed during the programme L-MEP U INT (The MEP and You) aired on Smash Television on Friday 28 January 2011.

L-MEP U INT (The MEP and You) during which various themes are discussed, is broadcasted on Smash Television every Friday at 7.20 p.m. with a repetition on the following Sunday at 5.40 p.m.


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