Il-Mexxej Laburista dwar hidmet Edward Scicluna fil-Parlament Ewropew

Il-Mexxej Laburista Dr Joseph Muscat tratta t-twaqqif ta’ mekkanizmu ghal stabbilita permanenti taz-Zona Ewro meta kien qed iwiegeb mistoqsijiet tad-delegati tal-Partit

Laburista waqt laqgha li saret fic-CNL Hamrun nhar il-Hadd 30 ta’ Jannar, 2011. F’din l-okkazjoni Dr Muscat ddeskrieva hidmet l-Ewroparlamentari Laburista Prof Edward Scicluna bhala dik li kien imissu ghamel il-Gvern. “Issa sta ghall-Gvern illi jigri x’jigri mill-emenda li qed tigi proposta minn sehibna Edward Scicluna jkun hu illi jiehu din l-emenda, il-Gvern, u jipproponiha lill-Gvernijiet l-ohra,” qal Joseph Muscat.

The Leader of the Labour Party about the work of Edward Scicluna in the European Parliament

Dr Joseph Muscat, the Leader of the Labour Party, dealt with the setting up of a mechanism for permanent stability in the Euro Zone when he was answering questions by the Labour Party delegates during a meeting held at the CNL Hamrun on Sunday 30 January 2011. During this event, Dr Muscat described the work undertaken by the Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna as what the Government should be doing. “Now it’s the Government’s responsibility to take up this amendment being proposed by our colleague Edward Scicluna and whatever happens from this amendment, proposes it to other Governments” said Joseph Muscat.

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