IMF/World Bank Group Annual Meetings – L-MEP u Int – Prog 134


The Annual International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group meetings were held between the 9 and 14 October in Tokyo. Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna attended these meetings together with international economic and financial experts, finance ministers and Central Bank presidents from all over the world. Professor Scicluna has been attending these meeting for the past 15 years. Subjects discussed at the Tokyo meetings were the present international financial situation, the global economy and poverty. Professor Scicluna talks about the outcome of the meetings in this MEP u INT programme.


The program L-MEP U INT (The MEP and You) is broadcast every Friday at 7.20pm on Smash TV with a repeat on Sunday at 6.40pm



Laqgħat Annwali FMI – Grupp Bank Dinji

Bejn id-9 u l-14 ta’ Ottubru f’Tokjo il-Ġappun saru l-laqgħat annwali tal-Fond Monetarju Internazzjonali u tal-Grupp Bank Dinji. L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna kien fost il-ħafna esperti u ministri tal-finanzi u presidenti ta’ Banek Ċentrali minn madwar id-dinja li ħadu sehem f’dawn il-laqgħat. Fost is-suġġetti li ġew diskussa kien hemm l-ekonomija internazzjonali, is-sistema finanzjarja dinjija u l-faqar. Il-Professur Scicluna ilu ħmistax il-sena jattendi dawn il-laqgħat. Intant dan il-programm MEP u INT huwa iffukat fuq dawn il-laqgħat importanti.


Il-programm L-MEP U Int jixxandar kull nhar ta’ Ġimgħa fis-7.20pm fuq Smash TV b’repetizzjoni il-Ħadd fis-6.40pm


– Friday, 12th October, 2012


5 responses to “IMF/World Bank Group Annual Meetings – L-MEP u Int – Prog 134”

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