In this last MEP u INT programme of the year, Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna looks back at the year 2012 focusing on the economic and financial sectors around the world and mainly on the European Union and the Eurozone. He also talks about the economic global prospects and why he is hopeful for the coming year 2013.
The program L-MEP U INT (The MEP and You) is broadcast every Friday at 7.20pm on Smash TV with a repeat on Sunday at 6.40pm
Ħarsa lura u ‘l quddiem
F’dan l-aħħar programm tas-sena, l-Ewroparlamentari laburista il-Professur Edward Scicluna jagħti ħarsa lura lejn dak li seħħ fl-2012 partikolarment fl-oqsma tal-ekonomija u finanzi madwar id-dinja b’enfasi fuq l-Unjoni Ewropea u ż-Żona Ewro. Jagħti ħarsa wkoll ‘l quddiem u jitkellem dwar il-prospetti ekonomiċi għas-sena li ġejja u għalfejn għandu tama għal prospetti aħjar għas-sena 2013.
Il-programm L-MEP U Int jixxandar kull nhar ta’ Ġimgħa fis-7.20pm fuq Smash TV b’repetizzjoni il-Ħadd fis-6.40pm
– Smash TV : Friday, 28th December, 2012