Prof. Edward Scicluna on dot eu – TVM – 29.12.2012

Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna was interviewed by journalist Ruth Castillo on the TVM programme “dot eu” on Saturday 29 December. He spoke about main issues that had an impact on the European Union, the Euro Zone and Malta during 2012. Prof. Scicluna explained why he is hopeful that the worst of the financial and economic crisis that started 5 years ago might be coming to an end. He also discussed how 2013 will certainly be an important year not just for the European Union but also for Malta because the Maltese and Gozitan citizens will vote to elect a new government on 9 March. Professor Scicluna will be contesting the local general elections on the 5th and 8th districts.

L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista il-Professur Edward Scicluna ġie intervistat mill-ġurnalista Ruth Castillo fuq il-programm “dot eu’ fuq TVM nhar is-Sibt 29 ta’ Diċembru. Huwa tkellem dwar ġrajjiet importanti li ħallew l-ikbar impatt fuq l-Unjoni Ewropea, iż-Żona Ewro u Malta matul is-sena 2012. Il-Professur Scicluna spjega għalfejn jaħseb li l-agħar tal-kriżi ekonomika u finanzjarja li bdiet 5 snin ilu kienet qegħda tmajna. Tkellem ukoll dwar kemm se tkun sena importanti dik ta’ 2013 mhux biss għall-Unjoni Ewropea imma partikolarment għal Malta fejn iċ-ċittadini Maltin u Għawdxin se jivvutaw f’elezzjoni ġenerali fid-9 ta’ Marzu. Il-Professur Scicluna se jikkontesta f’dawn l-elezzjonijiet ġenerali fuq il-5 u t-8 distrett.

– dot eu, TVM : Saturday, 29th December 2012



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