Prof Edward Scicluna spoke on Smash TV on the programme ‘Report from the European Parliament’. During this programme Prof Scicluna talked about the last report by the European Parliament on the stability bonds for which he was shadow rapporteur. He described the importance of these bonds and the impact this may have on the European financial crisis.
Eurobonds – Rapport mill-Parlament Ewropew
Prof Edward Scicluna tkellem fuq Smash TV fil-programm ‘Rapport mill-Parlament Ewropew’. F’dan il-programm Prof Scicluna tkellem dwar Rapport li għadda mill-Parlament Ewropew fuq l-istability bonds li fuqhom huwa kien shadow rapporteur. F’dan il-programm huwa ddeskriva l-importanza ta dawn il-bonds u l-impatt li jistgħu jħallu fuq il-kriżi finanzjarja ewropea.
– Smash News: Friday, 18th January 2013.