‘Looking back on a positive year’ – Videoblog 28

In his first blog for 2014, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna takes a look at the country’s economic and fiscal performance during 2013.



Prof. Scicluna notes that while a complete picture is difficult to obtain as yet as certain figures for the full year are not available before the first months of 2014, he says that current figures are encouraging. He points towards Malta’s positive performance in public spending, tourism, retail, and exports, noting that these suggest that Malta ended 2013 on a strong footing.

Prof. Scicluna also notes statistics that show that unemployment in Malta has remained low, and that the job creation rate remained strong. At the same time, he underlined that the Government remains focused on creating more jobs to ensure that nobody falls by the wayside.


– Friday, 10th January 2014

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