Aktar minn 300 proposta separata għall-Baġit 2015 imressqa lill-Gvern mill-Imsieħba Soċjali fi ħdan l-MCESD
B’kollox il-Gvern se jkun żamm 8 laqgħat ta’ konsultazzjoni dwar il-baġit 2015 Dalgħodu saret it-tieni laqgħa ta’ konsultazzjoni mal-imsieħba soċjali rappreżentati fi ħdan il-Kunsill Malti għall-Iżvilupp Ekonomiku u Soċjali l-MCESD dwar il-Baġit 2015. Fil-ftuħ tal-laqgħa, il-Ministru għad-Djalogu Soċjali, Affarijiet tal-Konsumatur u Libertajiet Ċivili Dott. Helena Dalli semmiet kif fil-ġimgħat li għaddew saru bosta preżentazzjonijiet mill-Ministru…
Finance Minister meets with stakeholders during Pre Budget Consultation Business Breakfast
PRESS STATEMENT BY THE MINISTER FOR FINANCE Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna welcomed the feedback given by the various stakeholders who attended the Pre Budget 2015 Consultation Business Breakfast. The Pre Budget Business Breakfast, held at the Intercontinental, welcomed numerous stakeholders from various sectors, ranging from the private sector to civil society, and also…
Pre-Budget Consultation Meeting at Inspire, Marsaskala – 30th September 2014
Pre-Budget Consultation Meeting at Inspire, Marsaskala [nggallery id=218] – Tuesday, 30th September, 2014
EY Quarterly Update
EY Malta, supported by the Ministry for Finance and the University of Malta, launched its first in a series of events related to EY’s Forecasts on the Eurozone and the Maltese Economy. [nggallery id=214] – Friday, 26th September, 2014
Government to lead by example on Green Procurement – Videoblog 62
During this video blog, Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the challenges posed by climate change. He notes that despite clear scientific proof that the phenomenon is a tangible risk, there is globally considerable reluctance to address it. He notes that one of the challenges of addressing climate change is that corrective action is…
Is-Semestru Ewropew: Lejn Finanzi Pubbliċi Sodi, Tkabbir Ekonomiku u Impjiegi
L-istat tad-defiċit u d-dejn nazzjonali, ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet speċifiċi għal Malta, u l-futur tal-ekonomija Maltija, kienu t-temi ewlenin diskussi mill-imsieħba soċjali, rappreżentanti tas-soċjetà ċivili u tan-negozju, u l-pubbliku ġenerali, mal-Ministru għall-Finanzi, il-Prof. Edward Scicluna, waqt laqgħa pubblika organizzata mill-MEUSAC. Din il-laqgħa, kif spjega Dott. Vanni Xuereb, Kap tal-MEUSAC, kienet it-tielet waħda minn sensiela ta’ laqgħat pubbliċi organizzati…
DHL Life Science Dialogue in Malta, Xara Lodge
Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna delivers the opening speech at the 3rd DHL Life Science Dialogue in Malta, Xara Lodge, Limits of Rabat [nggallery id=212] – Wednseday, 24th September, 2014
Public Consultation Meeting at Grand Hotel – Mgarr, Gozo – 19th September 2014
Pre Budget 2015 Consultation Meeting at the Grand Hotel Mgarr Gozo [nggallery id=211] – Friday, 19th September, 2014
Is-Settur Privat hu l-Mutur tal-Ekonomija u tal-Ħolqien tax-Xogħol
Jekk intohom bħali kontu qed issegwu l-aħbarjiet dawn l-aħħar jiem, kontu tisimgħu ta’ spiss il-kliem ‘settur privat’ u ‘settur pubbliku’, l-iżjed fejn jirrigwarda il-qasam tax-xogħol. Dan għaliex, naturalment, kul min qed jaħdem u għandu xogħol, jew qiegħed impjegat ma xi intrapriża privata, jew jaħdem mal-Gvern. Iżda minkejja li dawn iż-żewġ oqsma huma simili hekk kif…
Private sector driving Malta’s growth – Videoblog 61
In this video blog, Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the role of the private sector when it comes to the generation of employment, as this sector is the driving force behind the creation of quality employment and economic growth. Minister Scicluna underlines that the Labour Government is a pro-business government which believes in…