Author: author_pc

  • Malta kklassifikata l-Ewwel fit-Tkabbir Ekonomiku

    Malta kklassifikata l-Ewwel fit-Tkabbir Ekonomiku

    STQARRIJA MILL-MINISTERU GĦALL-FINANZI   Huwa ta’ pjaċir għall-Gvern li jara lill-Eurostat tidentifika lil Malta bħala l-ekonomija bl-ogħla rata ta’ tkabbir ekonomiku fl-Unjoni Ewropeja kollha, hekk kif din żdiedet b’1.3 fil-mija fit-tieni kwart ta’ din is-sena fuq il-kwart ta’ qabel.     Riżultat bħal dan ikompli jikkonferma s-suċċess ta’ dan il-Gvern f’diversi oqsma tal-ekonomija, fosthom il-ħolqien tax-xogħol,…

  • Creating Opportunities not Dependency – Pre Budget Document 2015 launched

    Creating Opportunities not Dependency – Pre Budget Document 2015 launched

    The Pre Budget Document 2015 embodies the Government’s commitment to ensuring that the whole of society can benefit from the economic stability and successes achieved so far.     Titled ‘Creating Opportunities, Not Dependencies’, the document lays out the government’s vision for the upcoming Budget 2015, which will look towards ensuring that social welfare reflects…

  • Scicluna to publish public sector wage bill

    Scicluna to publish public sector wage bill

    The pre-Budget document would list the increase in the public wage bill following the recruitment of nearly 1,900 new employees since Labour’s electoral victory, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna has said. According to recently released figures, 1,879 workers were employed since the March 2013 election. NSO figures show that, between March 2008 and March 2013, some…

  • 2,700 Children attending free childcare as government facilitates access to work for women

    2,700 Children attending free childcare as government facilitates access to work for women

    There are currently over 2,722 children aged between 3 months to 3 years attending Child care in both Malta and Gozo and who are currently benefitting from the free childcare scheme, since the scheme was launched in 1stApril 2014. This was affirmed by Minister for Employment and Education Evarist Bartolo and Minister for Finance Prof.…

  • Government Finances remain on track and within 2014 Budget Projections

    Government Finances remain on track and within 2014 Budget Projections

    The Government’s finances are on track and are in line with the projections laid down in the 2014 budget. This was confirmed by Central Government Finance figures (January to July 2014) published by the National Statistics Office on Friday 29th August 2014, which show that aside from outstanding payments due by Enemalta, both government revenue…

  • Foreign Direct Investment picks up – Videoblog 58

    Foreign Direct Investment picks up – Videoblog 58

      In this video blog Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses recently-published NSO figures pertaining to foreign investment, and explains that investment is considered important because investment allows the purchase of capital such as machinery or staffing, which in turn leads to economic growth for the country. Prof. Scicluna explains that foreign investment is also…

  • Malta among Leading Eurozone and European Union countries in GDP Growth

    Malta among Leading Eurozone and European Union countries in GDP Growth

    The Minister for Finance notes with satisfaction the Gross Domestic Product growth figures published by NSO which show that Malta ranks among the top-performing countries in the Eurozone and the European Union on GDP growth. Figures published by the National Statistics office on Wednesday 27th August 2014 show that in the second quarter of 2014,…

  • Accepting Responsibility when the lights go out – Videoblog 57

    Accepting Responsibility when the lights go out – Videoblog 57

      Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the recent power cut which affected Maltese households and businesses. He explains that despite they are not desirable and should be avoided, there is always a risk that such unforeseen incidents take place. He notes that this is why essential operations are, or should be, equipped with…

  • Strong Employment in Sensitive Sectors – Videoblog 56

    Strong Employment in Sensitive Sectors – Videoblog 56

    Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses recently published employment figures as published by the National Statistics Office. Prof. Edward Scicluna explains that the figures show an increase in full time employment of 3.6%, as well as a rise in part time employment by 6.3%. He notes that such rates that were never reached before.…

  • L-indiċi tas-sentiment ekonomiku x’valur għandu?

    L-indiċi tas-sentiment ekonomiku x’valur għandu?

    Xtaqt nuża din l-opportunità biex nagħ­mel aċċenn fuq kif, biss ftit jiem ilu, l-aġenzija tal-istatistika Ewropea (Eurostat) ippubblikat dawk li ngħidulhom l-indiċi tas-sentiment ekonomiku. Dan jiġifieri statistika li ­tindika kemm qegħdin ipoġ­ġu fiduċja n-nies ta’ pajjiżi membri tal-Unjoni Ewropea fl-ekonomiji tal-pajjiżi tagħ­hom, u fatturi oħrajn bħal pereżempju jekk iħossuhomx li marru għall-aħjar, jew għall-agħar. Din…