Author: author_pc

  • Għajnejna fuq l-infiq u d-dħul, xahar b’xahar

    Għajnejna fuq l-infiq u d-dħul, xahar b’xahar

    X’TIP ta’ kontrolli saru fuq l-infiq tal-Gvern? X’inizjattivi ttieħdu biex tiġi kkontrollata n-nefqa? Is-sostenibbiltà fiskali ma tinkisibx f’miżuri jew kontrolli ta’ darba, imma titlob attenzjoni u sorvejlanza rego-lari u kontinwa. Għalhekk, il-Ministeru għall-Finanzi tul l-aħħar sena beda janalizza l-infiq u d-dħul tal-pajjiż fuq bażi ta’ xahar b’xahar. Dan biex jekk ikun hemm xi żlieq fiskali,…

  • Malta u l-EBRD jesploraw Opportunitajiet għall-Koperazzjoni dwar proġetti ta’ Żvilupp fin-Nofsinhar u t-Tramuntana tar-Reġjun tal-Mediterran

    Malta u l-EBRD jesploraw Opportunitajiet għall-Koperazzjoni dwar proġetti ta’ Żvilupp fin-Nofsinhar u t-Tramuntana tar-Reġjun tal-Mediterran

    Malta u l-Bank Ewropew għar-Rikostruzzjoni u l-Iżvilupp (EBRD) qed jesploraw opportunitajiet sabiex jikkoperaw f’operazzjonijiet ta’ żvilupp tal-Bank fin-Nofsinhar u t-Tramuntana tal-Mediterran. Il-President tal-EBRD Sir Suma Chakrabarti, flimkien ma’ delegazzjoni tal-EBRD, kien f’Malta llum, fuq stedina tal-Ministru għall-Finanzi l-Prof. Edward Scicluna, sabiex jattendi laqgħat ta’ livell għoli ma’ Ministri varji u uffiċjali għolja tas-settur privat Malti.…

  • Malta remains an Attractive Strategic Hub Destination for Companies Worldwide

    Malta remains an Attractive Strategic Hub Destination for Companies Worldwide

    “Malta remains an attractive and strategic designation for companies worldwide within which to base their operations. This is thanks to the advantages we have to offer, such as economic stability, excellent IT connectivity, and a hard-working and English-speaking workforce, to name a few,” said the Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna. Minister Scicluna was speaking…

  • Government Finances in line with 2014 Budget Projections – Videoblog 52

    Government Finances in line with 2014 Budget Projections – Videoblog 52

        Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the fast-approaching Budget Period, and preparations that are underway within the Ministry for Finance in this regard. He explains that during this time, the Ministry would not only be analyzing the government’s finances and comparing them against projections, but also determining those proposals that will be…

  • Minister for Finance addresses Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy Dean’s Awards Ceremony

    Minister for Finance addresses Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy Dean’s Awards Ceremony

    The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna congratulated the highest-achieving students from the Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy who received awards for excellence on 11th July 2014. In a brief concluding address, Prof. Scicluna expressed pleasure at being able to attend such a ceremony, noting with pride that as one of the founding members…

  • Standards & Poor’s tagħti previżjoni Stabbli għall-Gvern Stabbli

    Standards & Poor’s tagħti previżjoni Stabbli għall-Gvern Stabbli

    Il-Ministeru għall-Finanzi jilqa’ b’sodisfazzjon l-evalwazzjoni tal-aġenzija tal-kreditu Standards & Poor’s, li qed tafferma li l-ekonomija ta’ Malta hi stabbli u li hi mistennija li tkompli tikber għas-snin li ġejjin, grazzi għar-riforma fil-qasam tal-enerġija tal-Gvern ġdid, kif ukoll għall-inizjattivi biex aktar nisa joħorġu jaħdmu.   Ir-raport ta’ S&P, ippubblikat illum, irriafferma l-credit rating ta’ Malta ta’ ‘BBB+/A-2’,…

  • Do taxpayers trust governments with their money? – Videoblog 51

    Do taxpayers trust governments with their money? – Videoblog 51

      Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the Fiscal Responsibility Act, which he presented recently for its Second Reading in Parliament. Minister Scicluna underlines that the Act is important because it establishes certain checks and balances on all future Maltese governments to keep public finances on track in an accountable and transparent manner. He explains…

  • Finance Minister participates in Concluding Session of National Risk Assessment Workshop

    Finance Minister participates in Concluding Session of National Risk Assessment Workshop

    The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna participated in the concluding session of a National Money Laundering / Risk Assessment Workshop on Thursday 10th July 2014. Also present for the session were the Attorney General Dr. Peter Grech, the Central Bank of Malta (CBM) Governor Prof Josef Bonnici, together with senior officials from the Malta…

  • Seventy Seven Accountants and Auditors receive CPA and PCA Warrants and Certificates

    Seventy Seven Accountants and Auditors receive CPA and PCA Warrants and Certificates

    In all 77 Certified Public Accountant (CPA) warrants and Practising Certificates in Auditing (PCA) were presented by Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna during a ceremony held at the Ministry offices in Valletta. Speaking during the ceremony, Prof. Scicluna noted that those receiving their warrants will progress along a path that will see them developing as…

  • Minister for Finance Addresses the Economic and Financial Priorities of the Italian Presidency

    Minister for Finance Addresses the Economic and Financial Priorities of the Italian Presidency

    “The fiscal consolidation efforts, as happens in major surgery, left the economic body dilapidated. While the bad parts were cut off, some of the good parts were unfortunately removed as well. That is why structural reforms and investment are now needed for growth and employment,” said the Minister for Finance, Professor Edward Scicluna. Minister Scicluna…