Author: author_pc

  • No party at South Street – Interview with Kurt Sansone

    No party at South Street – Interview with Kurt Sansone

    With the country’s purse strings tightly in his hands, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna tells Kurt Sansone he will do anything it takes to keep expenditure in check while juggling with unforeseen circumstances. As the economy outstrips the EU average and grows by 3.5 per cent in the first three months, Edward Scicluna feels he has reason to be pleased. Since…

  • Right time to become fully tax compliant – Videoblog 48

    Right time to become fully tax compliant – Videoblog 48

      Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the recently-launched Asset Registration Programme, which represents an opportunity for individuals and companies to declare previously undeclared assets (both local and abroad) and regularise their tax position. He explains that by means of this programme, companies and individuals will be able to register undeclared deposit accounts, shares, bonds,…

  • Public Contracts review board publishes case rulings for 2013

    Public Contracts review board publishes case rulings for 2013

    The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna welcomed the publication of the Public Contracts Review Board (PCRB) Case Rulings for 2013. “I am pleased to note this Board’s good work which, throughout its first year of work since being appointed in April 2013, has seen it implement a number of changes and reforms in accordance…

  • Stronger Insurance sector through regulation and opportunities for growth

    Stronger Insurance sector through regulation and opportunities for growth

    “The Maltese Government is determined to keep giving Malta’s insurance sector the attention it requires to expand its contribution to the economy and increase its capacity to generate employment,” the Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna said.     Prof. Scicluna was speaking during the opening remarks of the 5th Malta International Risk and Insurance…

  • Il-Ministru għall-Finanzi jniedi l-Programm tar-Reġistrazzjoni tal-Assi

    Il-Ministru għall-Finanzi jniedi l-Programm tar-Reġistrazzjoni tal-Assi

    “Il-ġustizzja tirrikjedi li kull persuna tħallas it-taxxa kollha li hi dovuta, sabiex ħadd ma jitħalla jevadi t-taxxa hekk kif din l-evażjoni hi soċjalment inġusta u timmina d-dħul tal-Gvern,” qal il-Ministru għall-Finanzi l-Prof. Edward Scicluna. Il-Prof. Scicluna kien qed jitkellem dwar it-tnidija tal-Programm tar-Reġistrazzjoni tal-Assi l-Erbgħa 11 ta’ Ġunju 2014. Waqt li kien qed iniedi l-Programm…

  • It-tieni l-ogħla rata ta’ tkabbir ekonomiku fi tliet snin

    It-tieni l-ogħla rata ta’ tkabbir ekonomiku fi tliet snin

    Il-Ministru għall-Finanzi l-Prof. Edward Scicluna laqa’ l-figuri uffiċjali tal-Uffiċċju tal-Istatistika Nazzjonali (NSO) li kkonfermaw li l-Gvern irnexxielu jikseb tkabbir ekonomiku impressjonanti fl-ewwel kwart ta’ 2014. Skont il-figuri uffiċjali ppublikati t-Tnejn 9 ta’ Ġunju 2014, l-ekonomija ta’ Malta rreġistrat tkabbir ekonomiku ta’ 3.5%, rata ta’ tkabbir impressjonanti hekk kif hi t-tieni l-ogħla li kienet f’dawn l-aħħar…

  • The Welfare State – Videoblog 47

    The Welfare State – Videoblog 47

      Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the welfare state, and the principles underpinning the assistance and services it provides to the whole of society, such as healthcare, education, and social services. Prof. Scicluna explains that as time wears on, demand for such services is increasing, placing considerable pressures on governments globally. Consequently, governments are…

  • Malta in favour of closing hybrid loan mismatch loophole

    Malta in favour of closing hybrid loan mismatch loophole

    Malta agrees on closing a tax loophole referred to as hybrid loan mismatch. At the last ECOFIN Meeting which took place on 6th May 2014, Malta only disagreed with the wording of the amending directive, but not the object of the Parent Subsidiary Directive. As explained by the Minister for Finance in his intervention in…

  • New Banif Bank (Malta) plc. branch in Paola

    New Banif Bank (Malta) plc. branch in Paola

    The Minister for Finance, Prof. Edward Scicluna inaugurated a new Banif Bank (Malta) plc. branch in Pjazze de Paule, Paola, on Friday 30th May 2014. Speaking during the inauguration, Prof. Scicluna said that the Government continues to consider the Maltese banking sector as a sound and solid sector which has managed to weather the financial…

  • Government committed to enhancing Malta’s business competitiveness

    Government committed to enhancing Malta’s business competitiveness

    The Government is looking towards the introduction of competitiveness indicators aimed at monitoring the competitiveness of our business sector. “We are to make sure that we improve our competitiveness, this is in view that those European countries which went through the economic and financial turmoil, will emerge much stronger after the crises,” said the Minister for Finance…