Author: author_pc

  • Cross-checking statisitics – Videoblog 46

    Cross-checking statisitics – Videoblog 46

    Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna explains that despite how those critical of Government are selectively quoting certain statistics in order to suggest that the new Government is not performing, official figures prove otherwise. He explains that the most oft-quoted figure, that of registered unemployed does not indicate strictly individuals who are long-term unemployed, but…

  • Courtesy visit from Vice President of the Europe-US Chamber of Commerce Mr. Peter Chase

    Courtesy visit from Vice President of the Europe-US Chamber of Commerce Mr. Peter Chase

    [nggallery id=196] “The Minister for Finance received a courtesy call from the Vice president of the Europe-US Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Peter Chase in the last weeks of May 2014. During the meeting, Minister Scicluna and Mr Peter Chase had occasion to discuss various issues related to both the European and the US financial and…

  • Fondi Ewropej għall-Għawdex mitlufin minħabba Rapport Superfiċjali

    Fondi Ewropej għall-Għawdex mitlufin minħabba Rapport Superfiċjali

    Fondi Ewropej immirati speċifikament lejn Għawdex għal dawn is-seba snin li ġejjin intilfu minħabba kif l-amministrazzjoni preċedenti ma kinitx kapaċi tikkonvinċi lill-Kummissjoni Ewropeja. Dan ġara għaliex il-Gvern kien ippreżenta rapport superfiċjali dwar Għawdex. Il-Ministru Għall-Finanzi l-Prof. Edward Scicluna kien qed jitkellem f’okkażjoni meta hu u l-Ministru għall-Għawdex Anton Refalo flimkien inawguraw ktieb bl-istatistika u figuri…

  • Iċ-ċertifikati pozittivi li qed tirċievi Malta – NEWSPOINT – ONE

    Iċ-ċertifikati pozittivi li qed tirċievi Malta – NEWSPOINT – ONE

      Jonathan Attard mal-Ministru tal-Finanzi, Profs. Edward Scicluna dwar il-qagħda u ċ-ċertifikati pozittivi li qed tirċievi l-ekonomika u s-sitwazzjoni finanzjarja ta’ Malta.     – 20th May, 2014

  • Attivita Politika – Rabat – Malta Enerġija Pożittiva

    Attivita Politika – Rabat – Malta Enerġija Pożittiva

    – Rabat : It-Tnejn, 19 ta’ Mejju, 2014

  • Attracting Investment through High-Level Meetings – Videoblog 45

    Attracting Investment through High-Level Meetings – Videoblog 45

    In his weekly video blog, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna explains that the true function of Government in attracting investment goes far beyond the occasional tax incentive. He explains that the attraction of long-term investment is done in a different manner, such as during high level meetings, where ideas are discussed and transformed into fully-fledged…

  • Industrial Confidence is Rising and not Falling

    Industrial Confidence is Rising and not Falling

    Claims by the Opposition that industrial confidence is falling are completely unfounded and are not supported by data. The survey carried that out by the European Commission among industrial firms on a monthly basis indicates that trend of industrial confidence in Malta has been positive, and improving steadily over the last three years. Furthermore, there…

  • Historic Moment for Malta – Chairmanship of EIB Board Of Governors – Videoblog 44

      Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses his participation in ECOFIN and Eurogroup meetings in Brussels earlier last week, on 5 and 6 May 2014. He explains that an especially important meeting took place during his two-day stay in Brussels, which was the European Investment Bank`s (EIB) Annual General Meeting, which Prof. Scicluna attended in…

  • Malta supports EBRD Operations in Libya and Cyprus

    Malta supports EBRD Operations in Libya and Cyprus

    “My Government fully supports the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) operations in these countries, and feels confident that any investment made by the Bank in the SEMED area will yield positive results within a realistic timeframe,” said Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna. Prof. Scicluna was speaking during an intervention which he made…

  • Courtesy call from EP S&D Group President Hannes Swoboda

    Courtesy call from EP S&D Group President Hannes Swoboda

    The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna received a courtesy call from Mr. Hannes Swoboda, a Member of the European Parliament and the President of the EP Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), on Monday 12th May 2014. [nggallery id=193]   During the meeting, Prof. Scicluna gave Mr. Swoboda an overview…