Author: author_pc

  • Government committed to helping family owned businesses grow

    Government committed to helping family owned businesses grow

    “Our main priority from a government point of view should be the growth of family businesses. These represent a significant portion of the economy, and the Government certainly has a role to play in ensuring that they are able to survive the challenges they face, and realise their potential,” said the Minister for Finance, Prof.…

  • Minister for Finance chairs EIB’s Annual Governors` Meeting

    Minister for Finance chairs EIB’s Annual Governors` Meeting

    Finance Minister Edward Scicluna was in Brussels in a two day meeting on 5 and 6 May 2014 in Brussels covering the European Investment Bank`s (EIB) Annual General Meeting, the Eurogroup and the ECOFIN Council. In his capacity as Chairman of the EIB Board of Governors, Minister for Finance, Professor Edward Scicluna, chaired a meeting…

  • Commission recognises Malta’s robust Economic Growth

    Commission recognises Malta’s robust Economic Growth

    “I cannot but welcome with satisfaction the European Commission’s confirmation that Malta’s economic growth outlook is robust and that the country’s public finances are being placed on a sound footing.” This was the message sent by the Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna who is in Brussels attending ECOFIN and Euro Group Meetings. The European Commission’s 2014 Spring Forecast…

  • Deficit Target achieved through Determination and Commitment – Videoblog 43

    Deficit Target achieved through Determination and Commitment – Videoblog 43

      In his weekly video blog, Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna refers to the confirmation by EUROSTAT a few days earlier that Malta has successfully closed 2013 with a deficit of 2.8%, well under the 3% threshold. Prof. Scicluna notes that this means that Malta is no longer in difficult territory of having a…

  • Consultation meeting with Banks’ Association on upcoming Third Pillar Pensions

    Consultation meeting with Banks’ Association on upcoming Third Pillar Pensions

    The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna met with representatives from the Malta Bankers’ Association (MBA) to discuss the upcoming Third Pillar Pension Incentive Scheme on Wednesday 30th April 2014.   The Pillar Pension Incentive Scheme, a scheme aimed at incentivising individuals to invest in private pension, is in its final stages and will be…

  • Finance Minister welcomes record increase in Female Labour Participation

    Finance Minister welcomes record increase in Female Labour Participation

    The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna noted with satisfaction how during the third quarter of last year, while male participation remained constant over the previous 12 months, female participation achieved record increase of 3.8 percentage points, reaching 47.8%. “We are still lagging behind Europe in this regard, but the increase is very encouraging and…

  • EIB President Hoyer in Malta to explore opportunities to support Maltese projects

    EIB President Hoyer in Malta to explore opportunities to support Maltese projects

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna, in his capacity as Chairman of the European Investment Bank’s (EIB) Board of Governors, hosted the EIB President Dr. Werner Hoyer during a day-long visit to Malta on Monday, 28th April 2014. Accompanied by Prof. Scicluna and an official EIB delegation, Dr Hoyer met with the Prime Minister Dr. Joseph…

  • The ‘€400m discrepancy’

    The ‘€400m discrepancy’

    Arriva was bought by the government for one euro and that needed explaining. A €4 million value needs as much explaining if not more. And that is what the National Statistics Office (NSO) did in its latest newsletter on the subject of Malta’s deficit and debt for the year 2013. But for the leader of…

  • Min jidħak l-Aħħar jidħak L-Aħjar

    Min jidħak l-Aħħar jidħak L-Aħjar

    Iridu jkunu jafu minn fejn ser insibu l-flus għad-diżastru li ħallew bl-Arriva. Kif ser nagħmlu biex inpattu għall-biljetti tat-trasport pubbliku li kellhom jitraħħsu għall-barranin wara li l-Kummissjoni widdbet lill-Gvern ta’ qabel u qaltlu li għamel froġa. Iridu jkunu jafu kif ser inniżlu d-dejn li tellgħu matul il-25 sena. Iridu jkunu jafu kif ser insibu l-flus…

  • Wegħda oħra Mwettqa – Defiċit ta’ 2.8 fil-mija għas-sena 2013

    Wegħda oħra Mwettqa – Defiċit ta’ 2.8 fil-mija għas-sena 2013

    Il-Ministru għall-Finanzi l-Prof. Edward Scicluna jilqa’ b’sodisfazzjon il-konferma mill-EUROSTAT u l-Uffiċċju tal-Istatistika Nazzjonali (NSO) li l-Gvern ġdid irnexxielu jagħlaq is-sena 2013 b’rata ta’ defiċit ta’ 2.8 fil-mija. “Dan hu suċċess kbir mhux biss għall-Gvern il-ġdid, iżda għall-pajjiż kollu li fdana bil-fiduċja tiegħu. Din il-kisba turi li l-Gvern kien kapaċi jdawwar ir-rotta li kien ħa l-pajjiż…