Author: author_pc

  • National Statistics Officials stationed at MIA

    National Statistics Officials stationed at MIA

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna paid a visit to National Statistics Office (NSO) officials stationed within the Malta International Airport. The visit coincided with the launch of new uniforms be worn by NSO officials responsible for carrying out airport survey interviews as part of ongoing survey among departing passengers at the Malta International Airport. This…

  • Visit to the offices of the World Aviation Group

    Visit to the offices of the World Aviation Group

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna toured the offices of the World Aviation Group, located in the Aviation Centre, Luqa. The customer services and customer care backoffice sector, in which the three different operations which form the World Aviation Group (Centrecom, BPO Services, and Aviation Online) operate, represents a valuable emerging economic niche which is providing…

  • Prof. Edward Scicluna in Rabat – 16.03.2014

    Prof. Edward Scicluna in Rabat – 16.03.2014

    Listen to the Speech During a party activity held in Rabat on Sunday 16th March, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna underlined the Government’s achievements with regard to public finance and the economy. He noted how established institutions such as credit rating agencies and even the European Commission are publishing report after report which are all recognising…

  • Fitch Report: ‘Malta’s growth to keep outperforming the Eurozone average’

    Fitch Report: ‘Malta’s growth to keep outperforming the Eurozone average’

    “With this report the Maltese can put their mind at rest that this Government has achieved a sustained economic turnaround and that the country can optimistically look forward to higher economic growth and employment,” said the Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna. Prof Scicluna was commenting following the publication of a rating report by international…

  • Malta’s clean bill of health from Brussels

    Malta’s clean bill of health from Brussels

    Debt is sustainable and the financial sector stable, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna has said, citing the European Commission’s review of Malta while lambasting the Opposition’s negativity over the government’s initiatives on the economy. He was speaking in Parliament, which on Wednesday approved the Budget Measures Implementation Bill in its the second reading with 36 votes…

  • A Very Busy Week: Promoting Malta as an important regional business hub – Videoblog 36

    A Very Busy Week: Promoting Malta as an important regional business hub – Videoblog 36

    )   Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses his participation during various conferences and events held over the previous days, and how these tie in with the country’s economic turnaround. Prof. Scicluna explains that one conference, dealing with the topic of taxation, saw a large number of professionals from various countries coming together to discuss…

  • Tkabbir Ekonomiku jirdoppja fuq l-2011 u l-2012

    Tkabbir Ekonomiku jirdoppja fuq l-2011 u l-2012

    It-tkabbir ekonomiku matul l-2013 ippubblikati mill-Uffiċċju Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika huma d-doppju tar-rati reġistrati fl-2011 u l-2012. Dan it-tkabbir jisboq ukoll il-previżjonijiet li saru mill-Gvern fil-budget li għadda, ta’ 3.7% u 1.2% f’termini nominali u reali rispettivament. Huma wkoll aktar pożittivi mit-tkabbir ekonomiku għal Malta previst mill-Kummisjoni Ewropea. It-tkabbir nominali kien ta’ 4.4% filwaqt li dak reali…

  • Malta delivered what it Promised – Finance Minister tells Eurogroup

    Malta delivered what it Promised – Finance Minister tells Eurogroup

    The Maltese Government is delivering on its promises to rein in the deficit below 3% while also addressing the country’s main shortcomings, as identified by in its Country Specific Recommendations, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna assured European finance ministers. Prof. Scicluna was addressing Eurozone Ministers on Monday 10th March 2014, where he delivered a report…

  • Encouraging Economic Turnaround due to Energetic New Government’s Decisiveness and Roadmap for Business

    Encouraging Economic Turnaround due to Energetic New Government’s Decisiveness and Roadmap for Business

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna said that the encouraging economic turnaround being experienced by Malta is due to the new Government’s clear road-map for business, its energetic and decisive approach to governance, and the Government’s negotiations with the European Commission that allowed Malta to avoid an austerity programme related to the Excessive Deficit Procedure. Prof.…

  • Tax System should be Business Friendly especially towards Micro-Enterprise

    Tax System should be Business Friendly especially towards Micro-Enterprise

    The Government is committed to ensuring that Malta’s taxation system is as business friendly and streamlined as possible to facilitate and attract investment, said Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna. Prof. Scicluna was speaking during the closing address at the MIM Malta International Taxation Conference 2014 titled “Latest Developments in International Tax Law” which was held…