Proposed amendments to the Trust and Trustees Act aimed at achieving a balance between attractiveness and regulation
“The amendments being proposed to the Trust and Trustees Act are aimed at achieving a balance between making Malta a more attractive trust domicile, through the introduction of new features such as the concept of family trusts, whilst ensuring that the necessary safeguards are in place through the re-enforcement of the relevant regulatory regime,” Finance…
Macroeconomic challenges no longer constitute risks
The Ministry for Finance notes with satisfaction that the European Commission considers that, compared to the last year, the macroeconomic challenges in Malta no longer constitute macroeconomic risks. In its In-Depth Reviews on the prevention and correction of macroeconomic imbalances published on 5th March 2014, the Commission noted that “the macroeconomic challenges in Malta no…
Meeting with Mr. Holm Keller, Vice President of Leuphana University
Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna had the pleasure to meet Mr. Holm Keller Vice President of Leuphana University Germany during his visit to Malta. During the meeting Mr. Holm referred to the recently signed Memorandum of Understanding between this University and the Malta Council for Science and Technology. The most immediate opportunity that Malta is…
1,000 Pari Żraben maqbuda mid-Dipartiment tad-Dwana sabiex jinagħtaw bħala donazzjoni lis-Servizzi ta’ Detenzjoni, NGOs u entitajiet oħra
1,000 par żarbun li ġew maqbuda mid-Dipartiment tad-Dwana se jinagħtaw bħala donazzjoni lis-Servizzi ta’ Detenzjoni u entitajiet u NGOs oħra li jaħdmu mal-immigranti, ħabbar il-Ministru għall-Finanzi, Edward Scicluna. Il-Ministru Scicluna kien qed jitkellem waqt konferenza stampa fid-Dwana nhar it-Tlieta 4 ta’ Marzu 2014, fejn huwa ħabbar id-donazzjoni filwaqt li tkellem ukoll dwar l-importanza tax-xogħol li…
Winter Forecast confirms Government’s Strategy – Videoblog 35
Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the recently-announced European Commission 2013 Winter Forecast, which delivered a positive economic outlook on the Maltese economy across the board. Prof. Scicluna notes that in the previous two forecasts, the Commission had maintained that Malta would not be able to close 2013 with a deficit of 3%. He…
Regaining Malta’s credibility
Nobody as yet knows what the final, accrued deficit figure for 2013 is expected to be. It will be a few more weeks before the Treasury and the National Statistics Office submit the public accounts to Eurostat for their scrutiny and subsequent confirmation, sometime during the third week of April. And yet the announcement by…
Prof. Edward Scicluna on Sibt il-Punt – ONE Radio – 01.03.2014
– Saturday, 1st March, 2014
Prof. Edward Scicluna fuq TVAM – TVM – 28.02.2014
Il-Ministru Edward Scicluna u d-deputat Tonio Fenech waqt il-programm TVAM, jiddiskutu t-tbassir pozittiv ekonomijku ta’ Malta mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea u l-credit rating tal-Enemalta maħrug minn Standard and Poor’s. – Friday, 28th February, 2014.
Finance Ministry welcomes January 2014 Government Finance Data
The Finance Ministry welcomes the financial figures published by the National Statistics Office (NSO) related to Government Finance Data on Friday 28th January 2014, which show that during January 2014 the major components of recurrent revenue increased by €12.1 million in January 2014 when compared to the corresponding month in 2013. This increase…
Prof. Edward Scicluna on Breakfast News – ONE – 26.02.2014
– Wednesday, 26th February 2014