Author: author_pc

  • Commission Winter Forecast: A Positive Economic Outlook

    Commission Winter Forecast: A Positive Economic Outlook

    – Malta with strongest employment growth – Fourth lowest unemployment rate – Malta among the top 10 EU countries with strongest growth – Deficit in check The Finance Ministry notes with satisfaction that the European Commission has positively revised its 2013 to 2015 deficit forecast for Malta. According to the Winter Forecast, Malta has the…

  • Helping women to go out and work – Videoblog 34

    Helping women to go out and work – Videoblog 34

      In this videoblog, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna explains that the Government’s free childcare service initiative, launched only a few days ago, is intended to assist those parents, especially women, who wish to work or study but could not do so due to having to care for young children, or due to the prohibitive…

  • Free Childcare to help Families achieve a Work/Life Balance

    Free Childcare to help Families achieve a Work/Life Balance

    ​Free childcare centres will be available from April. Practically all childcare centres in Malta and Gozo have signed up to the new government scheme. The initiative has been widened in scope so that parents who are in education, as well as those in employment, will be able to make use of this service. Parents will…

  • Il-Gvern irnexxielu jaqta’ id-defeċit b’€120 miljun

    Il-Gvern irnexxielu jaqta’ id-defeċit b’€120 miljun

    Sal-aħħar tas-sena elfejn u tlettax, il-Gvern irnexxielu jaqta’ id-defiċit tal-pajjiż b’ mija u għoxrin miljun ewro.   —   Government reports deficit down €120m Finance Minister Edward Scicluna yesterday told Parliament that the government had closed with a deficit of around €225 million in 2013: €120 million less than the previous year. Introducing the Trust and…

  • Gvern li Jisma’ – Skola Primarja – Siġġiewi – Tlieta 25 ta’ Frar 2014

    Gvern li Jisma’ – Skola Primarja – Siġġiewi – Tlieta 25 ta’ Frar 2014

    [nggallery id=173] Click on any of the above images to enlarge. Listen to the Public Consultation. Waqt is-sessjoni ta’ Gvern Li Jisma li saret fil-jum tat-Tlieta, il-Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna tkellem dwar diversi aspetti li jolqtu ekonomikament lil Malta. Fost dawn huwa tkellem dwar il-previzjoni ekonomika tax-xitwa tal-kummissjoni ewropea, it-taxxa, l-investment bank u r-riforma fil-process tal-bagitt. –…

  • Government committed to strengthen Malta Statistical Authority for better Statistical Governance

    Government committed to strengthen Malta Statistical Authority for better Statistical Governance

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna said that the Government is committed to strengthening the Malta Statistical Authority (MSA) to ensure that the entity would be able to better regulate the National Statistics Office (NSO) and be a driver for change and improvement. Prof. Scicluna was speaking during a press conference held on Thursday 20th February…

  • “EU’s Single Resolution Fund should not rely on national public funds”

    “EU’s Single Resolution Fund should not rely on national public funds”

    Speaking at a meeting of the Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) Council in Brussels on Tuesday 18th February 2014, Minister for Finance Professor Edward Scicluna called on EU Member States to ensure that a fund which is being negotiated in order to assist in the resolution of struggling European banks does not place a burden…

  • COLA: More than just the rate of Inflation – Videoblog 33

    COLA: More than just the rate of Inflation – Videoblog 33

      Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the principles behind the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) mechanism, which is a wage increase given to all income earners equally across the board. He explains that this mechanism began in 1991, and before this mechanism came about, the increase was given by the Government, but the amount…

  • Kuntrabandu mhux se jkun tollerat minn dan il-gvern taħt ebda ċirkostanzi

    Kuntrabandu mhux se jkun tollerat minn dan il-gvern taħt ebda ċirkostanzi

    Il-Ministru għall-Finanzi sostna li l-kuntrabandu mhux se jkun tollerat mill-Gvern ġdid taħt ebda ċirkostanzi, hekk kif dan jirrapreżenta serq mid-dħul tal-pajjiż. Il-Ministru qal dan fid-dawl tal-arresti relatati ma’ container mimli sigaretti li daħal Malta, imbad nstab li kien tneħħa mill-Freeport aktar kmieni din il-ġimgħa taħt ċirkostanzi suspettużi. Il-Ministeru hu infurmat li d-Dipartiment tad-Dwana assista lill-Pulizija…

  • Another positive turnaround in leading growth indicators

    Another positive turnaround in leading growth indicators

    Malta’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows for the first half of 2013 turned marginally positive after having been on a downward trend since 2010. In fact FDI in the first half of 2012 had even turned negative decreasing by €130 million. The positive increase in FDI inflows was mainly the result of an increase in…