Author: author_pc

  • Government intends to address the country’s challenges

    Government intends to address the country’s challenges

      “By 2020 we would like to see a significant increase in the labour market and the number of persons in tertiary education to enable Malta to face its future with confidence,”   Prof. Scicluna was speaking during a panel discussion held at the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) annual conference at the Westin Dragonara, on Friday, 20th December,…

  • Finance Minister welcomes EU Single Resolution Mechanism Agreement as ‘European Milestone Decision’

    Finance Minister welcomes EU Single Resolution Mechanism Agreement as ‘European Milestone Decision’

    Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna welcomes the agreement on an EU Single Resolution Mechanism as a “European milestone decision.” “I am very proud to have participated in a milestone European decision which is intended to protect both bank depositors and taxpayers’ money.” Prof. Scicluna was speaking following the historic Economic and Financial Affairs Council…

  • Malta and U.S. sign foreign account tax compliance act

    Malta and U.S. sign foreign account tax compliance act

    On behalf of their respective Governments, Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna and U.S Ambassador Gina Abercrombie –Winstanley signed the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) on Monday, December 16, 2013. The “FATCA Agreement” is a further development in the relations between Malta and the United States regarding exchange of information and is to be made…

  • Improving the Budgetary Process – Videoblog 26

    Improving the Budgetary Process – Videoblog 26

      Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the government’s budgetary process, and ways how this can be improved for the betterment of the country’s finances. Prof. Scicluna explains that this begins with identifying difficulties the Government faces when attempting to reduce its expenditure and thus its deficit, and what is being done in this regard.…

  • Minister Scicluna welcomes progress made on Banking Union, but scrutiny and clarity is required

    Minister Scicluna welcomes progress made on Banking Union, but scrutiny and clarity is required

    “Malta will not give it consent unless it studies the legal text in detail, which is still to be drafted and sees that Malta’s interests are safeguarded. In particular we seek a system of decision making which is not cumbersome and which respects the rights of small Member States” Minister for Finance, Professor Edward Scicluna…

  • European Parliament Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs welcomes Malta’s budgetary reforms

    European Parliament Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs welcomes Malta’s budgetary reforms

    MEP’s in the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee gave a warm welcome to Minister Edward Scicluna, a former MEP and Vice-chair of the Committee during an Exchange of Views (EV) held with the ECON committee on Thursday 5th December 2013. The coordinator of the EPP Mr Gauzes together with the S&D coordinator Elisa…

  • Malta’s Budget Direction welcomed by European Commission – Videoblog 25

    Malta’s Budget Direction welcomed by European Commission – Videoblog 25

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the recent appraisal by the European Commission in which it found that Malta’s Budget 2014 is taking the country in the right direction to reduce its deficit and debt. Prof. Scicluna explains the importance of a historic meeting held a few days ago were Eurozone Ministers met to share…

  • Għajnuna mill-Gvern biex isalva s-Swali taċ-Ċinema

    Għajnuna mill-Gvern biex isalva s-Swali taċ-Ċinema

    Aktar kmieni din il-Gimgħa tvarat skema li biha ser ngħinu l-iswali taċ-ċinema jaqilbu għal sistema diġitali. Din l-iskema tħabret fid-diskors tal-baġit u bis-saħħa tagħha is-swali taċ-ċinema lokali ser ikunu jistgħu jaddottaw t-teknoloġija diġitali fil-wiri tal-films. Għal dan il-għan, l-Gvern, investa nofs miljun ewro fuq sentejn. F’Malta l-films fiċ-ċinema għadhom qed jintwerew fuq it-tertuqa minkejja li…

  • NAO Report Confirms Hiving Off Good Causes Funds in Pre-Election Handouts

    NAO Report Confirms Hiving Off Good Causes Funds in Pre-Election Handouts

    The Finance Ministry welcomes the conclusions of the Report prepared by the Auditor General and presented to the Speaker which confirm the Ministry’s concerns regarding significant over-spending and rampant lack of good governance in how the Fund was administered. The NAO’s report concluded that the commitments entered into by the previous administration will mean that…

  • Ministry for Finance evaluating structures to ensure consumer protection when buying financial products

    Ministry for Finance evaluating structures to ensure consumer protection when buying financial products

    “The Ministry for Finance will be undertaking studies to determine the appropriate structures to safeguard consumers rights when it comes to the buying of financial products,” said Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna. Prof. Scicluna was speaking during the opening address of KPMG’s biennial Financial Services Conference, where he spoke at length regarding the need to…