Author: author_pc

  • Tax Information Exchange agreement between Malta and the Cayman Islands

    Tax Information Exchange agreement between Malta and the Cayman Islands

    On 25 November 2013, the Republic of Malta and the Cayman Islands signed a Tax Information Exchange Agreement (TIEA) – which provides for a full exchange of information between the two jurisdictions on tax matters. This agreement was signed at the Malta High Commission in London. The Maltese Minister for Finance, Professor Edward Scicluna signed…

  • Mexjin fuq ir-‘road map’

    Mexjin fuq ir-‘road map’

    Biss ftit jiem ilu, Il-Kummissjoni Ewropea ppubb­likat tliet dokumenti bħala risposta għar-rapporti li ħejja l-Gvern Mal­ti tul ix-xahar ta’ Ottub­ru. Dawn huma l-Commission’s Assessment of the Economic Partnership Programme, l-Assessment of the Report for Real Effective Action u l-Assessment of the Draft Budget 2014, kif ippreżentati lill-Gvern mill-Kummissjoni. Ir-rapporti min-naħa tal-Gvern saru f’Ottubru qabel il-pre­żentazzjoni…

  • Eurogroup acknowledges measures taken by Malta to address risks

    Eurogroup acknowledges measures taken by Malta to address risks

    Euro Area Finance Ministers recognised that Malta has taken additional measures within its own budgetary process to address the risk of non-compliance with the rules of the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP). The positive assessment was delivered during a meeting of the Eurogroup held in Brussels on 22 November 2013 in order to assess Euro…

  • Favourable Assessment by the European Commission – Videoblog 24

    Favourable Assessment by the European Commission – Videoblog 24

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna assesses the European Commission’s recently-published reactions to various documents which were submitted by the Government throughout the month of October. Prof. Scicluna notes that the Commission’s reactions were favourable as it is satisfied with how the Government is handling the country’s finances. Prof. Scicluna especially welcomes the Commission’s conclusion that…

  • Commission concludes that Malta’s Deficit Reduction Action is effective and no further action required

    Commission concludes that Malta’s Deficit Reduction Action is effective and no further action required

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna welcomed the European Commission’s conclusion that Malta has taken effective action to address the budget deficit and no further steps in the excessive deficit procedure are needed at present. Prof. Scicluna was speaking during a press conference held at the Ministry for Finance on Friday 15th November, during which he…

  • Courtesy visit from the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Netherlands to Malta

    Courtesy visit from the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Netherlands to Malta

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna received a courtesy visit from the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Netherlands to Malta H.E. Rita Dulci Rahman. The meeting discussed topics related to political and economic developments in both countries, as well as their respective relevance to the European Union, and the Eurozone. Prof. Scicluna and H.E. Ms Rahman…

  • Courtesy visit from the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Italy

    Courtesy visit from the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Italy

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna received a courtesy visit from H.E. Wojciech Ponikiewski, Polish Ambassador to Italy who is also responsible for Malta, on Wednesday 12th November, 2013. During the meeting, Prof. Scicluna and Mr Ponikiewski discussed the various similarities between Malta and Poland, among them being the efforts of both countries to diversify the…

  • European Commission to comment on the Budget

    European Commission to comment on the Budget

    The European Commission is due to give its reaction to the Budget on November 22, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna said this afternoon. The reaction will be given during a meeting of finance ministers which will also involve the Budgets of the other member states. Prof Scicluna told a press conference that he was optimistic of…

  • Budget 2014: A Budget that addresses Malta’s priorities – Videoblog 23

    Budget 2014: A Budget that addresses Malta’s priorities – Videoblog 23

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna speaks about the pride he felt while presenting the very first budget as prepared by the new Labour Government, and which outlines its vision for the future of the country. Prof. Scicluna explains that the Budget is not simply an accounting exercise which shifts funds from one department or ministry…

  • European Commission notes that wind in Malta’s sails gaining strength

    European Commission notes that wind in Malta’s sails gaining strength

    The Finance Ministry welcomes the remarks by the European Commission, as presented in its European Economic Forecast for Autumn 2013, published on Tuesday 6th November, 2013. The Commission’s remarks are further validation that the Maltese economy is gradually picking up speed, thanks to the prudent fiscal administration and forward-looking policy approach of the new Government.…