Author: author_pc

  • Budget 2014 – Ministry for Finance

    Budget 2014 – Ministry for Finance

    “Permezz ta’ dan il-baġit konvinti li se nwettqu l-viżjoni tagħna ta’ Malta Aktar b’Saħħitha, Malta aktar Ġusta.” – Ministru għall-Finanzi Prof. Edward Scicluna     Budget 2014 Speech >> Budget 2014 Document >> Economic Survey 2013 >> – – –     – – –   [nggallery id=159] [nggallery id=160]   – – –     Finance…

  • Scicluna promises a ‘Realistic’ Budget tomorrow

    Scicluna promises a ‘Realistic’ Budget tomorrow

    The budget that will be presented tomorrow is a realistic one, which is conscious of the financial situation the country is in but which seeks to make the best of it nevertheless, according to Finance Minister Edward Scicluna. In an interview with this newspaper, Prof. Scicluna emphasises that the budget will be doing so “by…

  • Strengthening National Statistics – Videoblog 22

    Strengthening National Statistics – Videoblog 22

      In his weekly video blog, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses recent reports pertaining to the publication and reporting of national statistics in which he called for less ambiguity in how these figures are presented to the media and the public. Prof. Scicluna explains that when he fulfilled the role of an MEP, he…

  • Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna fuq Sibt il-Punt – ONE radio – 26.10.2013

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna fuq Sibt il-Punt – ONE radio – 26.10.2013

    Fil-budget li gej, il-gvern jehtieg li jibdel id-direzzjoni sabiex l-ekonomija ta’ pajjizna tkompli tikber u d-deficit jinzel ghal taht it- tlieta fil-mija. Dan intqal mill-Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna waqt li kien qed jiehu sehem fil-programm Sibt-il Punt fuq radju ONE. – Saturday, 26th October, 2013

  • Malta moves closer to Ipsas

    Malta moves closer to Ipsas

    Malta’s finance minister Edward Scicluna has been presented with a report setting out how the country can manage the transition to accrual-based public sector accounting standards. The report was prepared with CIPFA’s input following a workshop held in April on International Public Sector Accounting Standards. It is intended to provide a ‘gap analysis’ of the…

  • L-istatistika taħt skrutinju

    L-istatistika taħt skrutinju

    Ftit jiem ilu fil-Kunsill Malti għall-Iżvilupp Ekonomiku u Soċjali għaddejt xi rimarki dwar nuqqas ta’ ċarezza fir-rappurtaġġ ta’ statistika vitali, bħalma hi r-rata tal-qgħad u r-rata tal-inflazzjoni. Kont primarjament qiegħed nirreferi għall-midja. Għidt ukoll li l-aġenzija nnifisha, l-NSO, ma tantx tgħin għax xi kultant tħalli ħafna ambigwità fil-mod kif tirrapporta jew tħabbar dawn il-figuri. Bħal…

  • Unemployment on downward trend, Fourth Lowest in EU

    Unemployment on downward trend, Fourth Lowest in EU

    The Finance Ministry wishes to underline that, despite recent newspaper and media reports which are attempting to suggest that unemployment in Malta is increasing, Malta’s unemployment rate is on a downward trend and remains fourth-lowest in the European Union. The Ministry notes a press release published by Eurostat on 1st October 2013 which announced that…

  • Need for Harmonized Accrual based public sector accounting standards

    Need for Harmonized Accrual based public sector accounting standards

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna met with Ian Carruthers, Policy and Technical Director for the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) and member on the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB), and Noel Camilleri (Accountant General) to discuss the transition of government public sector accounting to accrual reporting. The meeting was held…

  • Annual Meeting of World Bank Group (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington – Videoblog 21

    Annual Meeting of World Bank Group (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington – Videoblog 21

      In his weekly video blog, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses his recent visit to Washington to attend the annual meetings of the World Bank Group (WBG) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). He explains that such meetings represent an opportunity for representatives of the attending countries to not only obtain a deeper understanding…

  • Il-laqgħat tal-Fond Monetarju Internazzjonali u l-Bank Dinji

    Il-laqgħat tal-Fond Monetarju Internazzjonali u l-Bank Dinji

    Ftit jiem ilu saru l-laqgħat annwali tal-ħarifa tal-Fond Monetarju Internazzjonali (l-IMF) u tal-Bank Dinji (l-WB). Dawn huma kkonsidrati bħa­la laqgħat globali u uniċi. Għalihom jattendu l-Ministri għall-Finanzi, il-Ministri li huma inkarigati mill-iżvilupp, kif ukoll il-Gvernaturi tal-Banek Ċentrali. Ma’ dawn jingħaqdu ban­kiera, akkademiċi u persuni involuti fis-settur monetarju, ekonomiku u finanzjarju. Dawn tal-aħħar jinkludu l-aġenziji tal-klassifikar,…