Author: author_pc

  • Finance Ministry takes note of reported error by NSO

    Finance Ministry takes note of reported error by NSO

    The Ministry for Finance notes the statement issued by the National Statistics Office (NSO) which said that the post production validation and checking process has identified a compilation error in the component “Taxes on Production and Imports” originally published on 6 September 2013. According to the statement, this had a significant effect on the Gross…

  • Attracting Chinese Financial Services to our shores

    Attracting Chinese Financial Services to our shores

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna said that Malta should now be on the look out to attract a Chinese financial institution since financial services in China have reached a global level-playing field. Prof. Scicluna was speaking during the annual General Meeting of the Maltese Chinese Chamber of Commerce, held on Friday 18th October 2013 at…

  • “Merger that will bring Inland Revenue, VAT, Customs into one entity moving as planned.”

    “Merger that will bring Inland Revenue, VAT, Customs into one entity moving as planned.”

    “The merger projects between the three current Departments of Inland Revenue, VAT, and Customs is moving as planned,” said Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna, adding that regular meetings are being held between the Commissioner for Revenue and the respective Director Generals of each Department. Prof. Scicluna was speaking during the opening address of a conference…

  • Chinese Garden of Serenity is testament to ongoing Malta-China Friendship

    Chinese Garden of Serenity is testament to ongoing Malta-China Friendship

    “The Chinese Garden of Serenity is a testament to the ongoing friendship and cooperation between the Governments of China and Malta, and will allow Maltese a greater appreciation of Chinese culture,” said Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna. Prof. Scicluna was speaking during the inauguration of the beginning of restoration and embellishment works which will renovate…

  • Ftehim dwar it-Tassazzjoni Doppja

    Ftehim dwar it-Tassazzjoni Doppja

    Il-Ministru Għall-Finanzi L-Prof. Edward Scicluna Jippresjedi Fl-Iffirmar Inizjarju Tal-Ftehim Ta’ Tassazzjoni Doppja Bejn Malta U L- Curacao. Il-Ministru għall-Finanzi il-Prof. Edward Scicluna ppresjedja fl-iffirmar ta’ Ftehim dwar it-Tassazzjoni Doppja (DTA) bejn Malta u r-Renju tal-Olanda fir-rigward tal-Curaçao, flimkien mal-Ministru għall-Finanzi tal-Curaçao Dr. Jose Jardim, nhar il-Ħamis 17 ta’ Ottubru, 2013. L-Ambaxxatriċi tal-Olanda  għall-Malta H.E. is-sinjura…

  • Minister’s Statement on October ECOFIN Meetings

    Minister’s Statement on October ECOFIN Meetings

    Finance Minister underlines importance of strengthening national ownership of the Implementation of Country Specific Recommendations (CSRS) “It is believed that a combination of the sharing of the Commission’s findings of the County Specific Recommendations (CSRs), better consultation with Member States, social dialogue and an enhanced bilateral phase prior to the issuance of CSRs would remove…

  • Finance Minister in Washington for Annual Meeting of World Bank Group (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)

    Finance Minister in Washington for Annual Meeting of World Bank Group (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna attended the Annual Meeting of the World Bank Group (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) held in Washington between October 11th and October 13th, 2013. These annual meetings each year bring together ministers of finance and development, central bankers, private sector executives, and academics to discuss issues of global…

  • His hands on the cash register – Interview – maltatoday

    His hands on the cash register – Interview – maltatoday

    The new finance ministry is cut out for Prof. Edward Scicluna. The economist seems unencumbered with the kind of nasty political swashbuckling that the larger finance and economic affairs ministry of the past 30 years had to endure. Complaints about privatisation projects, sale of government land, tendering procedures. All controversial privatisation and economic affairs are…

  • The Ministry for Finance highlights the significant statements made by Moody’s

    The Ministry for Finance highlights the significant statements made by Moody’s

    The Ministry for Finance joins other organisations in welcoming the favourable report issued by credit rating agency Moody’s on 4th October 2013. The report, while confirming Malta’s A3 government bond rating, also changed the outlook of the Maltese economy from negative to stable. From the Ministry’s viewpoint, the significant highlights of the report are the…

  • Finance Ministry publishes independent report on its Macroeconomic Forecasts

    Finance Ministry publishes independent report on its Macroeconomic Forecasts

    The Finance Ministry has released a report by the National Audit Office which assessed the Ministry’s macroeconomic forecasts on the Maltese economy, on Monday 7th October 2013. The Ministry welcomes the reports’ conclusion, namely that the Ministry is adopting the correct approach by sticking to the main assumptions of internationally reputable institutions when forecasting during…