Author: author_pc

  • Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna receives a courtesy visit from HSBC Group Chairman Mr Douglas Flint

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna receives a courtesy visit from HSBC Group Chairman Mr Douglas Flint

      Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna received a courtesy visit from HSBC Group Chairman Mr Douglas Flint, on Monday 23rd September, 2013. Mr Flint was accompanied by HSBC Chief Executive Officer Mark Watkinson.     The meeting discussed topics related to financial regulation, the international global economy, and the upcoming International Monetary Fund meeting in…

  • “Government addressing Fitch’s concerns”

    “Government addressing Fitch’s concerns”

    The government is confident that its policies for economic and fiscal stability and sustainability will yield desired results, Edward Scicluna says.     The government was addressing the concerns pointed out by credit rating agencies, the finance minister Edward Scicluna reassured. “The government is aware of the economic and fiscal issues referred to by credit…

  • Fitch and Moody’s Reports on Malta – Videoblog 17

    Fitch and Moody’s Reports on Malta – Videoblog 17

      In his weekly blog, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses credit rating agency Fitch’s recent report, and the recently-signed Memorandum of Understanding between Malta and China which is part of the new Government’s plan to return Enemalta to financial viability. He explains that while Fitch’s appraisal is a fair one as it considers the…

  • Pre-Budget Consultation Meeting – Grand Hotel, Mgarr – 17.09.2013

    Pre-Budget Consultation Meeting – Grand Hotel, Mgarr – 17.09.2013

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna, with Gozo Minister Dr. Anton Refalo and Parliamentary Secretary for Rights of Persons with Disability and Active Aging Care Dr Franco Mercieca in attendance, meets with members of  the public and answers queries and concerns related to the budget preparation process during the third Pre-Budget 2014 Consultation Public Meeting on…

  • Interview – Money Magazine

    Interview – Money Magazine

    Malta’s banking system is sound, solvent and resilient, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna reassures me. But what makes Malta’s economy more resilient than say, Cyprus? Professor Scicluna explains that although total assets of Maltese banks amount to what appears to be a very high percentage of the GDP – that’s approximately 800 per cent – the…

  • Malta Stock Exchange must focus on Internationalisation, Incentivisation and Transparency

    Malta Stock Exchange must focus on Internationalisation, Incentivisation and Transparency

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said that through a greater focus on internationalisation, incentivisation, and transparency, the Malta Stock Exchange will allow Malta to develop the potential of both domestic and international markets. Dr Muscat was speaking during a tour of the Malta Stock Exchange building with Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna on Monday 16th September,…

  • PENSIONS: The Issues involved – Videoblog 16

    PENSIONS: The Issues involved – Videoblog 16

    In his weekly blog, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the various issues involved in any discussion on pensions. He explains that solutions are not straightforward.   Sometimes they can be costly in terms of public spending. This is especially the case, he argues, when it comes to attempting to address pension anomalies, or addressing…

  • Fiscal policy stance to stay

    Fiscal policy stance to stay

    ​“Whilst the recent economic data gives us reasons to be optimistic about Malta’s future outlook, we do not foresee the need to change the fiscal policy stance in Malta or anywhere in the European Union. One of the most urgent issues to address in the EU wide financial system is the lack of financing to…

  • Dead wood and cobwebs – Karm Farrugia

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna’s position that the public sector needs to drop its dead wood was echoed by local Economist Karm Farrugia, who wrote to the Times of Malta on Thursday 12th September 2013. In his letter, Farrugia expresses the opinion that this dead wood is undermining Malta’s competiveness, and went on to say…

  • It-teorema ta’ Ronald Coase

    It-teorema ta’ Ronald Coase

    F’Dan l-artiklu xtaqt nagħti ġieh lir-rebbieħ tal-Premju Nobel fl-Ekonomija Ronald Coase, li miet biss ftit jiem ilu fl-età ta’ 102. Dan mhux rilevanti sempliċiment għax għex ħajja twila u sabiħa, imma għax kien ekonomista ta’ fama mondjali, kif ukoll rebbieħ ta’ premju prestiġjuż  li kiseb għall-kontribut tiegħu fil-qasam tax-xjenza tal-eko­nomija. Xtaqt ngħamillu ġieħ mhux għax…