Author: author_pc

  • Coase Theorem – Videoblog 15

    Coase Theorem – Videoblog 15

     Il-blog jaghti giegh lin-Noble Prize winner fl-ekonomija Ronald Coase li ghadu kemm miet fl-eta ta’ 102 sena. Il-kontribut tieghu juri kif ix-xjenza tal-ekonomija tmur il-quddiem. F’dan il-kaz dwar spjegazzjonijiet li jirrigwardjaw id-ditti tan-negozju u r-rimedji ta’ problemi ambjentali. Is-soluzzjoni innovattiva u unika ta’Coase baqghet tissemma bhala it-Teorema ta’ Coase – Monday, 9th September, 2013

  • Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna receives a courtesy visit from H.E. Hag Magid Mohammed Elsuwar

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna receives a courtesy visit from H.E. Hag Magid Mohammed Elsuwar

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna received a courtesy visit from Ambassador of the Republic of Sudan to Malta H.E. Hag Magid Mohammed Elsuwar, on Wednesday 11th September, 2013. The meeting discussed topics related to the economic situation in both countries, as well as ways in which Malta and Sudan can enhance cooperation across various sectors,…

  • Pre-Budget Consultation Meeting – Inspire, Marsascala – 11.09.2013

    Pre-Budget Consultation Meeting – Inspire, Marsascala – 11.09.2013

      [nggallery id=154]          – Wednesday, 11th September, 2013

  • Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna receives a courtesy visit from Sir Andrew Large

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna receives a courtesy visit from Sir Andrew Large

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna received a courtesy visit from Sir Andrew Large, former Deputy Governor of the Bank of England, and a member of its Monetary Policy Committee between September 2002 and January 2006. The meeting chiefly concerned itself with matters related to enhancing and safeguarding financial stability and the Government’s role in this…

  • Pre-Budget Consultation Meeting – Phoenicia Hotel, Floriana – 09.09.2013

    Pre-Budget Consultation Meeting – Phoenicia Hotel, Floriana – 09.09.2013

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna meets with members of the public and answers queries and concerns related to the budget preparation process during the first Pre-Budget 2014 Consultation Public Meeting on Monday 9th September, 2013.    [nggallery id=152]                     – Monday, 9th September, 2013.

  • Choosing the right MEP – Videoblog 14

    Choosing the right MEP – Videoblog 14

      In his weekly video blog, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna draws from his considerable personal experience as a Maltese Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and discusses the attributes any MEP should possess. Prof. Scicluna argues that the European Parliament is very different from Malta’s Parliament, beginning with how the European Parliament is composed…

  • “Unemployment still threatens eurozone’s recovery”

    “Unemployment still threatens eurozone’s recovery”

    No matter how quick or slow the eurozone’s recovery is, unacceptably high unemployment will remain as a “pall hanging over the eurozone’s economic medium-term future”, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna has told Times of Malta Business. The eurozone unemployment rate is currently 12.1 per cent. Prof. Scicluna was asked for his reaction to the fact that…

  • Pre-Budget 2014 Consultation Business Breakfast – Intercontinental, St.Julian’s – 04.09.2013

    Pre-Budget 2014 Consultation Business Breakfast – Intercontinental, St.Julian’s – 04.09.2013

    “Il-konsultazzjoni hi parti essenzjali mill-proċess tat-tħejijja tal-Baġit. Għalhekk dalgħodu iltqajt mall-imsieħba soċjali u bosta rappreżentanti mis-settur privat u pubbliku sabiex nisma’ r-rakkomandazzjonijiet tagħhom għall-baġit li ġej. Dawn ir-rakkomandazzjonijiet se jiġu kkunsidrati kif jixraq, dejjem fil-qafas tal-miri tal-Gvern għall-Baġit 2014 – li huma l-istabbiltà ekonomika, għaqal u responsabbiltà fiskali, u soċjetà aktar ġusta fejn il-ġid li…

  • MCESD Meeting

    MCESD Meeting

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna formally presented the Pre-Budget Document 2014 to the Malta Council for Social and Economic Development on Monday, 2nd September 2014. Minister for Public Dialogue Helena Dalli was also present for the presentation, which represented the opening of the Pre-Budget 2014 Consultation period. During the presentation, Prof. Scicluna outlined the Government’s…

  • Pre-Budget Consultation Meeting – 17th September

    Pre-Budget Consultation Meeting – 17th September