Author: author_pc

  • Pre-budget consultation period to begin on Monday 9th September

    Pre-budget consultation period to begin on Monday 9th September

    Finance minister announces pre-budget consultation period, set to begin in September.   The finance minister Edward Scicluna today announced that the pre-budget 2014 public consultation period would begin as from the first week of September. The consultation process will begin with a meeting of the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development (MCESD) on 2…

  • Stabbiltà makro-ekonomika

    Stabbiltà makro-ekonomika

    Ftit jiem ilu, ippreżentajt id-dokument ta’ qabel il-baġit, li kull Ministru tal-Finanzi jippreżenta għall-pubbliku u għall-imsieħba soċjali kull sena madwar xahrejn qabel ma jitressaq il-baġit proprju fil-Parlament. Dan isir biex ikun hemm konsultazzjoni wiesgħa man-nies, mal-‘stake holders’, dawk li jimpjegaw il-ħaddiema kif ukoll dawk li jirrapreżentaw lit-trejd unjins. Dan il-proċess konsultattiv jirrapreżenta parti essenzjali minn…

  • Żjara l-Arkivju Notarili

    Żjara l-Arkivju Notarili

    It-Tnejn 12 ta’ Awwissu, l-Ministru għall-Finanzi l-Prof. Edward Scicluna żar l-Arkivju Notarili, flimkien mal-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat kif ukoll is-Segretarju Parlamentari għall-Ġustizzja Owen Bonnici. “Kont iddispjaċut sew li minkejja l-valur imprezzabbli storiku u kulturali tad-dokumenti f’dan l-arkivju – li bosta minnhom saħansitra jmorru lura sa żmien il-kavallieri – tħallew jitmermru u jisfaxxaw,” ikkummenta Prof. Scicluna…

  • Why VAT penalties need to be changed – Interview with the Times of Malta

    Why VAT penalties need to be changed – Interview with the Times of Malta

    A Bill has been drafted changing a number of fundamental aspects of the penalties for VAT defaulters. The changes were announced in early June by Finance Minister Edward Scicluna, who said that an enabling law would be drafted allowing changes to be made through legal notices rather than through new legislation. The way in which…

  • “Stability for the benefit of the Whole Society”

    “Stability for the benefit of the Whole Society”

    Government launches the Pre-Budget 2014 Consultation Document “The theme chosen for this Pre-Budget Document – ‘stabbiltà biex noħolqu l-ġid għal kulħadd’ –embodies this Government’s economic stance for this legislature,” said Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna during the presentation of the Pre-Budget Consultation Document on Friday 9th August 2013. “The new Government is wholly committed to…

  • Macroeconomic stability – Videoblog 13

    Macroeconomic stability – Videoblog 13

      In his weekly video blog Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the recently published Pre-Budget Consultation document, which is founded on the principle of stability for the benefit of all (stabbiltà biex noħolqu l-ġid għal kulħadd).   Prof. Scicluna says that the aim of the pre-budget consultation document was to deliver an analysis of…

  • ‘Time of selling off the family silver now over’ – Interview with the Times of Malta

    ‘Time of selling off the family silver now over’ – Interview with the Times of Malta

    After presenting his pre-Budget document, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna speaks to Vanessa Macdonald about the deficit and pension reform.   The European Commission is telling us the deficit and debt problems are not the result of economic downturn in general, that the Greek loans that we gave contributed, but that even without them there would…

  • A Once-Only Grant on the Purchase of Fitness Equipment by Persons For Own Personal Use

    A Once-Only Grant on the Purchase of Fitness Equipment by Persons For Own Personal Use

    In order to encourage the local population to be more physically active, the Minister for Finance together with the Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport have made the following scheme. 1.  Interpretation In this scheme, unless the context otherwise requires: ‘applicant’ means the person applying for the grant and who, apart from being a…

  • Reliable and timely data – Videoblog 12

    Reliable and timely data – Videoblog 12

    The video blog explains the main issues that statistical agencies like the NSO have to consider when collecting and publishing data. – Saturday, 3rd August, 2013

  • Meeting with University of Malta rector

    Meeting with University of Malta rector

    An ongoing dialogue is essential between the Government and high education institution officials in order to work together, said Prime Minister Joseph Muscat. During a meeting with University of Malta rector, Dr Joseph Muscat expressed his hope that such a meeting will not be a one off but a regular occurrence, in order for the…