Author: author_pc

  • Il-Gvern determinat li jilħaq il-miri finanzjarji – Sibt il-Punt – ONE radio

    Il-Gvern determinat li jilħaq il-miri finanzjarji – Sibt il-Punt – ONE radio

      Il-gvern huwa determinat li jilħaq il-miri finanzjarji u ekonomiċi biex jassigura li pajjiżna jibqa’ jgawdi minn stabbilita’ finanzjarja u tkabbir ekonomiku. Filwaqt li l-gvern irid jindirizza l-problemi li wiret, fl-istess nifs irid jieħu inizzjattivi ġodda biex jassigura sistema finanzjarja soda u fl-istess ħin ġusta.   Qal dan il-Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna waqt il-programm Sibt-il…

  • “Malta welcomes enhanced monitoring and assessment of member states’ budgetary plans”

    “Malta welcomes enhanced monitoring and assessment of member states’ budgetary plans”

    ​Attending an ECOFIN Council meeting in Brussels on 9th July, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna welcomed a joint decision by European Finance Ministers to endorse a code of conduct that will afford enhanced monitoring and assessment of draft budgetary plans of Euro Area Member States. (Left to Right) Maltese Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna, Romanian…

  • Safeguarding Financial Stability – Videoblog 8

    Safeguarding Financial Stability – Videoblog 8

      In his weekly video blog, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna talks about the effect of a financial instability in an economy and how it could lead to devastating financial losses across all levels of society – including families and pensioners. He explains that despite European member states’ existing regulatory frameworks, the EU was not…

  • Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna visit Malta Financial Services Authority

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna visit Malta Financial Services Authority

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat emphasised that the new Government will be approaching the financial services sector with continuity that safeguards stability while exploring ways to branch out into new markets.   Dr. Muscat was speaking during a visit at the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) with Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna, during which they both…

  • A courtesy visit from the Australian High Commissioner

    A courtesy visit from the Australian High Commissioner

      Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna received a courtesy visit from H.E. Australian High Commissioner Ms Jane Elisabeth Lambert, on Wednesday 3rd July, 2013. The meeting chiefly touched upon issues of mutual interest to Malta and Australia, and the parallels between the two countries, in so far as both countries weathered the ongoing global economic…

  • “Customs Department crucial for maintaining delicate balance between Customs Controls and Facilitation of Legitimate Trade”

    “Customs Department crucial for maintaining delicate balance between Customs Controls and Facilitation of Legitimate Trade”

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna underlined the importance of the Customs Department’s function of maintaining the balance between enforcement and the facilitation of the flow of trade into and out of Malta. “The role of the Customs Department remains as crucial as ever,” Prof. Scicluna said. “It is responsible for maintaining the delicate balance between…

  • The Banking Resolution Directive – Videoblog 7

    The Banking Resolution Directive – Videoblog 7

    In his weekly video blog, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the recent agreement reached by EU Finance Ministers regarding the Banking Resolution Framework Directive. He explains why, in the eventuality that a bank might collapse, the ideal way forward lies in a compromise between the bail-in approach (where the financial burden is shifted to…

  • A courtesy visit from the Chinese Ambassador

    A courtesy visit from the Chinese Ambassador

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna received a courtesy visit from Chinese Ambassador to Malta Cai Jinbiao on Friday 28th June 2013. The meeting touched upon several topics, and during the meeting both Prof. Scicluna and Ambassador Cai exchanged views on how to further strengthen bilateral ties between the two countries across various sectors. Prof. Scicluna said…

  • A courtesy visit from the National Council of Women

    A courtesy visit from the National Council of Women

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna received a courtesy visit from National Council of Women President Mary Gaerty and General Secretary Doris Bingley on Thursday 27th June, 2013. The meeting chiefly concerned itself with gender-related issues concerning the encouragement of greater economic participation, and options open to Government to address them. the hurdles faced by women…

  • “All bank depositors must be protected”

    “All bank depositors must be protected”

    On the eve of the European Council, the Minister for Finance, Professor Edward Scicluna, took part in an extraordinary meeting of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) which managed to reach an agreement on the proposed Banking Recovery and Resolution Directive. This meeting was a continuation of the long but inconclusive meeting of EU…