Author: author_pc

  • “Malta Stock Exchange essential to provide alternative sources of company financing”

    “Malta Stock Exchange essential to provide alternative sources of company financing”

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna toured the Malta Stock Exchange and met with various officials and staff on Monday 24th June 2013. During the visit, Prof. Scicluna also met with the Malta Stock Exchange Board of Governors. In a brief address to the Malta Stock Exchange officials and staff, Prof. Scicluna emphasised the importance of…

  • Finance Ministry’s first 100 days – Videoblog 6

    Finance Ministry’s first 100 days – Videoblog 6

      In his weekly blog, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna looks at the Government’s first 100 days, and the work he and his Ministry focused on during this time.   He explains how at a critical time, the Government successfully contained the risks posed by the Cypriot crisis to Malta, and how Malta’s economic and…

  • “ESM Bank Resolution Funding must be available to Small Member States”

    “ESM Bank Resolution Funding must be available to Small Member States”

    The Minister for Finance, Professor Edward Scicluna, addressed both the ECOFIN and EUROGROUP council meetings in Luxembourg on 20th and 21st June 2013, during which EU Ministers discussed several issues relating to economic and financial developments in the Union. The discussions revolved primarily around the establishment of a Banking Recovery and Resolution Framework, and the…

  • Minister Edward Scicluna wins assurance of ESM aid for small states

    Minister Edward Scicluna wins assurance of ESM aid for small states

    Malta’s Finance Minister Edward Scicluna welcomed an assurance from his euro-area counterparts that requests from smaller nations for direct bank aid from the currency bloc’s rescue fund will be treated no differently than those from large countries.     “We are happy that our point was acknowledged, and received backing from Luxembourg,’ Scicluna said in…

  • Mapfre chairman and CEO visits Malta

    Mapfre chairman and CEO visits Malta

    Chairman and chief executive officer of Mapfre Antonio Huertas recently attended a conference in Malta which was attended by a large number of top Mapfre Asistencia executives from around the globe.     While in Malta, Huertas met a number of senior politicians, including Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna and Parliamentary Secretary…

  • The CEB Annual Meeting

    The CEB Annual Meeting

    Opening address delivered by the Hon. Prof. Edward Scicluna   Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. I join the Prime Minister who met with you yesterday at the Upper Barrakka in welcoming you to Malta. We wish you a successful and fruitful meeting and an enjoyable stay here as well.   As I will be…

  • “Exploratory discussions held with European investment bank”

    “Exploratory discussions held with European investment bank”

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna, in his capacity as chairman of the European Investment Bank’s Board of Governors, held exploratory talks with EIB President Werner Hoyer and Vice-President Dario Scannapieco in Luxembourg, on Thursday 6th June, 2013.   The talks primarily dealt with Prof. Scicluna’s chairmanship, the EIB’s role and priorities for the upcoming months, and…

  • Meeting with BANIF CEO and Chairman

    Meeting with BANIF CEO and Chairman

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna meets with meets with with Banif Bank CEO Mr Joaquim Silva Pinto and Banif Bank Chairman Dr Michael Frendo, on Wednesday 19th June, 2013. [nggallery id=135] – Wednesday 19th June, 2013

  • Financial Crisis: Resolution and Avoidance – Videoblog 5

    Financial Crisis: Resolution and Avoidance – Videoblog 5

    In his weekly blog, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the financial crisis, and how it led to two reactions in the European Community. The first was a desire to resolve the crisis through affirmative action such as bail-outs, while the second was a desire to ensure that such a crisis does not repeat itself.…

  • Il-finanzi tal-pajjiż mil-lenti tal-ministru

    Il-finanzi tal-pajjiż mil-lenti tal-ministru

    Id-deċiżjoni tal-UE li tiftaħ proċeduri fil-konfront ta’ Malta dwar id-defiċit eċċessiv qajmet diversi mistoqsijiet dwar il-qagħda finanzjarja tal-pajjiż. GAETANO MICALLEF iltaqa’ mal-Ministru tal-Finanzi EDWARD SCICLUNA proprju biex jitkellem miegħu dwar il-qasam li ġie fdat bih u l-isfidi li qed jiffaċċja. Il-fatt li fl-ewwel ġimgħat ta’ dan il-gvern il-pajjiż daħal fl-Excessive Deficit Procedure qajjem dubji dwar…