Author: author_pc

  • GVERN LI JISMA’ – Konsultazzjoni Pubblika – Fil-Berga ta’ Kastilja

    GVERN LI JISMA’ – Konsultazzjoni Pubblika – Fil-Berga ta’ Kastilja

    Finance Minister Edward Scicluna stands by decision not to carry out a mini budget – it would have ‘sent shocks’ through the economy.   Addressing a public consultation meeting themed ‘a government that listens’, Scicluna said the Commissioner would be tasked with investigating complaints raised by investors and disputes between investors and financial institutions. The…

  • “Government will heed independent oversight bodies such as Auditor General’s office”

    “Government will heed independent oversight bodies such as Auditor General’s office”

    ​Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna said that the Government will support and heed the advice and recommendations of independent bodies such as the Auditor General’s Office, and pledged his full support to the office and its mission. “I believe in this institution, and the oversight function it performs. As a Government, we are committed to…

  • CEB at Upper Barrakka

    CEB at Upper Barrakka

    On Friday 14th June 2013, the Finance Ministry hosted a reception at the Upper Barrakka Gardens in honour of the Council of Europe Development Bank, which held its annual meeting in Malta this year.  Prime Minister Joseph Muscat also attended the reception, and delivered a brief address during which he welcomed the Council. The Annual Meeting…

  • A courtesy visit from his excellency the Dutch Ambassador Robbert J. Gabriëlse

    A courtesy visit from his excellency the Dutch Ambassador Robbert J. Gabriëlse

      Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna received a courtesy visit from His Excellency the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Robbert J. Gabriëlse, on Wednesday 12th June, 2013. The meeting chiefly touched upon issues of mutual interest to Malta and the Netherlands, the current economic climate within the European Union, and other economic issues.…

  • A courtesy visit from her excellency the Austrian Ambassador DDR. Petra Schneebauer

    A courtesy visit from her excellency the Austrian Ambassador DDR. Petra Schneebauer

    Today Prof. Edward Scicluna, Minister for Finance, received a courtesy visit from her excellency the Austrian Ambassador DDR. Petra Schneebauer. They discussed several issues of interest to both Malta and Austria. – Wednesday, 12th June, 2013.

  • Country Specific Recommendations – Videoblog 4

    Country Specific Recommendations – Videoblog 4

    Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the European Union’s Country Specific Recommendations, which are issues that the European Commission considers a priority for each Member State to address, and how these form part of the ongoing Economic Semester.   – 5th June 2013

  • “Government committed to encouraging newer and more environment-friendly vehicles”

    “Government committed to encouraging newer and more environment-friendly vehicles”

    The Government is committed to incentivising the phasing out of older vehicles in favour of newer and more environmentally friendly vehicles to address the issue of Malta’s aging car population and guarantee better air quality for Maltese and Gozitan citizens. Towards this end, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna announced the launch of the third round…

  • Miżuri biex tinġabar b’mod “ġust” it-taxxa tal-VAT [watch]

    Miżuri biex tinġabar b’mod “ġust” it-taxxa tal-VAT [watch]

    Il-Gvern ħabbar miżuri biex jgħin lil dawk iċ-ċittadini li setgħu nqabdu fil-morsa tas-sistema tal-VAT u biex jagħmel sforz sabiex jiġbor b’mod ġust dak dovut lilu. Il-Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna ħabbar sensiela ta’ miżuri li se jittieħdu fid-Dipartiment tal-VAT ħalli tiġi emendata l-liġi. Fost dawn semma tnaqqis fir-rati tal-imgħax minn 9% għal bejn 6 u 6.5%,…

  • Prof. Edward Sicluna on ‘Sehemna fl-Ewropa’ – RTK

    Prof. Edward Sicluna on ‘Sehemna fl-Ewropa’ – RTK
  • “The outlook for the economy is promising”

    “The outlook for the economy is promising”

    The Government welcomes the economic results achieved during the first three months of this year, whereby the Maltese economy registered an increase of 1.6% in real terms compared to the corresponding quarter last year. The Finance Ministry is confident that the Maltese economy can keep on growing once its present momentum, which stems from the…