Author: author_pc

  • Finance Minister Scicluna welcomes IMF 2013 conclusions

    Finance Minister Scicluna welcomes IMF 2013 conclusions

    The Ministry for Finance welcomes the International Monetary Fund (IMF) 2013 Mission’s Concluding Statement regarding Malta (published Wednesday 15 May 2013), which confirms the soundness of Malta’s financial sector, further dispelling speculation regarding alleged similarities between Malta’s banking sector and those of ailing member states.   The IMF’s conclusions join other positive appraisals published in…

  • Finance Minister Scicluna takes the rotating Chair of the EIB’s Board of Governors

    Finance Minister Scicluna takes the rotating Chair of the EIB’s Board of Governors

    EU Finance Ministers in their capacity as Governors of the European Investment Bank (EIB) endorsed Malta’s chairmanship of the EIB Board of Governors for the next 12 months during the annual EIB Governors’ meeting on Tuesday 14 May 2013. Malta’s Finance Minister will be succeeding outgoing Hungarian Minister Mihály Varga.   The Annual Meeting was…

  • Finance Minister Edward Scicluna: the 2013 Deficit – Videoblog 1

    Finance Minister Edward Scicluna: the 2013 Deficit – Videoblog 1

    Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the 2013 budget, the deficit, and the manner in which the Government revised the deficit for 2013 upwards by 1% – to 2.7%. This, he explains, is due to unrealistically low revenue projections coupled with added expenditure undertaken during the first two months of 2013 prior to the General Election.  …

  • Il-Gvern Laburista fiducjuz li se jkun jista’ jzomm il-miri tad-deficit

    Il-Gvern Laburista fiducjuz li se jkun jista’ jzomm il-miri tad-deficit

    L-Amministrazzjoni Nazzjonalista kienet dahlet ghal impenji finanzjarji minghajr ma ghamlet allokazzjoni ghalihom fil-Bagit. Izda minkejja dan il-Gvern prezenti se jibqa’ kommess li jzomm mal-miri tieghu ghat-tnaqqis tad-deficit tal-bagit. Hekk qal il-Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna meta kien mitlub ghar-reazzjoni tieghu rigward it-tbassir tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea li d-deficit ta’ pajjizna mistenni jitla’ ghal 3.7% sa tmiem l-2013.  …

  • Finance Minister meeting with ministry officials

    Finance Minister meeting with ministry officials

    On Wednesday 8th May 2013, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna toured several offices within the Finance Ministry and met with several ministry officials responsible for various areas of the ministry’s work, ranging from calculating and preparing budget estimates, to administration of revenue   [nggallery id=130]   – Wednesday, 8th May, 2013

  • American Chamber of Commerce in Malta

    American Chamber of Commerce in Malta

    On Wednesday 8th May 2013, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna met with representatives from the American Chamber of Commerce in Malta (AmCham) to discuss several topics of interest to both the Government of Malta and American businesses and entrepreneurs operating within Maltese industries.     – Wednesday, 8th May, 2013

  • Meeting with Hans-Joachim Otto, German Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology

    Meeting with Hans-Joachim Otto, German Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology

    ​Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna met with Hans-Joachim Otto, German Parliamentary Under Secretary Of State at the Federal Ministry Of Economics and Technology, on Thursday 2nd May 2013. The two held a positive and cordial meeting at the Finance Ministry, which touched upon several topics. Among them were Malta’s encouraging economic performance and its commitment…

  • Government remains committed to 2.7% deficit for 2013

    Government remains committed to 2.7% deficit for 2013

      Government remains committed to keep its deficit below the 3% threshold, and honouring its pledge to end 2013 with a deficit of 2.7%, as announced last month in the 2013 Budget. Government notes the European Commission’s concern that the approved 2013 Budget “is expansionary” and as a consequence, “the deficit in 2013 is expected…

  • Deficit aim ‘credible’

    The Government decided to raise the target deficit for 2013 from 1.7 to 2.7 per cent to be more credible and realistic in its projections and would now have to face the European Commissioner to give him a detailed explanation of the €70 million increase in expenditure, which inevitably affected the deficit.   “The Government…

  • From ‘good performer’ to laggard

    Only four years ago an EU official had gone on record saying that Malta had managed to learn the ropes of a complicated and highly bureaucratic system very well and was performing much above its weight. He was referring to the absorption of funds under the 2000-2006 financial programme. It was a nice compliment that…