Author: author_pc

  • Il-Gvern m’hu qed jipproponi l-ebda bidla fil-COLA

    Il-Gvern m’hu qed jipproponi l-ebda bidla fil-COLA

    Il-Ministeru għall-Finanzi għamel ir-rappreżentazzjonijiet tiegħu dwar il-fatt li m’għandux ħsieb li fuq l-aġenda tiegħu jagħmel xi tibdil fil-COLA mal-Kummissjoni Ewropea wara li l-Kummissjoni ilha tagħmel pressjoni fuq dan għall-aħħar snin.   Il-Ministru għall-Finanzi kien qed jirreferi għal studju li għamel l-MCESD stess dwar dan is-suġġett fejn kien qed ikun propost tibdiliet li sal-lum m’hemm l-ebda…

  • Finance Malta 6th Annual Conference 2013

    Finance Malta 6th Annual Conference 2013

    “GOVERNMENT TO SEEK PARLIAMENTARY APPROVAL FOR RATIFICATION OF FISCAL COMPACT IN COMING WEEKS” – FINANCE MINISTER PROF. EDWARD SCICLUNA Government will seek Parliamentary approval for the ratification of the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union – also known as the Fiscal Compact – in the coming weeks. Finance Minister…

  • Finance Minister Edward Scicluna, receives a courtesy by H.E. Gina Abercrombie-Wistanley, American Ambassador to Malta

    Finance Minister Edward Scicluna, receives a courtesy by H.E. Gina Abercrombie-Wistanley, American Ambassador to Malta

    During the meeting, Prof. Scicluna and the Ambassador discussed several issues. Chief among them were the greater economic and financial cooperation between Malta and the United States for mutual benefit of the two countries, Malta’s economic performance in the light of recent credit rating agency reports (Bloomberg, Fitch, Standard & Poor’s) that endorsed the robustness…

  • Finance Minister Scicluna in High Level talks in Washington

    Finance Minister Scicluna in High Level talks in Washington

    Finance Minister Professor Edward Scicluna has held high-level talks with officials from the International Monetary Fund and the rating agency Standard and Poors while in Washington for the IMF/World Bank 2013 Spring Meetings. Also participating in the delegation and the respective meetings was the Governor of the Central Bank Professor Josef Bonnici.     The…

  • Finance Minister Edward Scicluna at ECOFIN meeting in Dublin

    Finance Minister Edward Scicluna at ECOFIN meeting in Dublin

    On 12 and 13 April 2013, the Minister of Finance, Professor Edward Scicluna, attended an informal EU Economic and Financial Affairs (ECOFIN) meeting in Dublin, Ireland. He was accompanied by Professor Josef Bonnici, Governor Central Bank of Malta and the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry for Finance, Mr. Alfred Camilleri. Ministers of Finance discussed topics…

  • “Niftakarni nsaqsi lil ommi dwar it-tifsira tal-flus”

    “Niftakarni nsaqsi lil ommi dwar it-tifsira tal-flus”

    Din il-gimgha l-Ministru tal-Finanzi l-Prof. Edward Scicluna pprezenta fil-Parlament il-Bagit ghal din is-sena. Fi tlett ijiem dan il-bagit kien approvat, u f’dik li hija sitwazzjoni ghal kollox rari, il-Bagit gie approvat ukoll mill-Oppozizzjoni. RITIANNE AGIUS iltaqghet ma’ Prof. EDWARD SCICLUNA fl-ufficcju tieghu fil-Belt. Minbarra li rrakkonta memorji minn tfulitu u sitwazzjonijiet umoristici li sab ruhu…

  • ‘I’d be the last person to cook deficit figures’

    ‘I’d be the last person to cook deficit figures’

    Barely 24 hours after becoming Finance Minister Edward Scicluna was in Brussels to discuss the Cyprus bailout. A few weeks later he presented a Budget. He speaks to Kurt Sansone about his first month in office.   You made it a point to say this was not your Budget. How would your Budget have been different? This is a…

  • “Irridu stampa cara ta’ fejn ahna” – Il-Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna

    “Irridu stampa cara ta’ fejn ahna” – Il-Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna

    Wahda mill-isfidi tal-Gvern il-gdid meta dan gie elett kienet bla dubju t-thejjija ghall-Bagit. Bagit li normalment jiehu xhur twal biex jigi ppreparat, kellu jinhadem fi zmien qasir, biex b’hekk jigi pprezentat ghada t-Tnejn mill-Ministru tal-Finanzi l-Prof Edward Scicluna. Mistoqsi minn din il-gazzetta dwar din l-isfida li qed jiffacja bhala Ministru tal-Finanzi, il-Prof. Edward Scicluna jiddeskrivi…

  • Budget 2013

    Budget 2013

    “This is not my Budget, but if I were to give it a name, I would call it A Stocktaking Exercise,” the minister said. “My first Budget will be that of 2014 and I will start talks about it with the European Commission next Friday in Dublin,” he said.     ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE GDP at…

  • Labour will keep its promises

    Labour will keep its promises

    In an interview with weekly newspaper Illum, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna talks about the recent confirmation that the deficit for 2012 turned out to be somewhat higher than that expected, and what effect – if any – it would have on the 2013 budget.         The Labour Party had originally pledged to…