Author: author_pc

  • L-Imsieħba soċjali pożittivi dwar il-proposti tal-Gvern [Watch]

    L-Imsieħba soċjali pożittivi dwar il-proposti tal-Gvern [Watch]

      L-Imsieħba Soċjali kollha kellhom kliem ta’ tifħir għall-preżentazzjoni li għamel il-Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna fl-ewwel laqgħa tal-Kunsill Malti għall-Iżvilupp Ekonomiku u Soċjali (MCESD) li għall-ewwel darba tmexxiet minn John Bencini li nħatar bħala Ċermen.     Il-Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna f’kummenti li ta lill-ġurnalisti wara li ntemmet il-laqgħa qal li huwa spjega lill-imsieħba soċjali…

  • Finance Minister Edward Scicluna on ‘Il-Parlament tal-Poplu’ – Smash TV

    Finance Minister Edward Scicluna on ‘Il-Parlament tal-Poplu’ – Smash TV

    Finance Minister Edward Scicluna on ‘Il-Parlament tal-Poplu’ on Smash TV. – Smash TV : Thursday, 28th March, 2013

  • Malta’s banking sector is robust and stable

    Malta’s banking sector is robust and stable

    Malta joined the euro area in 2008 in order to further enhance its macroeconomic and financial stability, and to contribute to the stability of the euro area-wide economic and financial system. Together with other EU Member States, Malta participated in the setting up of a euro area regulatory and supervisory framework which includes the European…

  • Finance Minister Edward Scicluna on ONE Breakfast News – ONE – 27.03.2013

    Finance Minister Edward Scicluna on ONE Breakfast News – ONE – 27.03.2013

    Interviewed by Charlon Gouder on ONE Breakfast News     – ONE Breakfast, News : Wednesday, 27th March, 2013.

  • New Governor of the EIB for Malta

    New Governor of the EIB for Malta

    Following the general election in Malta on 9 March 2013, Mr Edward Scicluna has taken office as Minister for Finance. Mr Scicluna also becomes EIB Governor for the Republic of Malta. He was also elected in 2009 to the European Parliament where he served for four years as Vice-Chairman of the Economic and Monetary Affairs…

  • Finance Minister at Extraordinary Euro Area Meeting on Cyprus [WATCH]

    Finance Minister at Extraordinary Euro Area Meeting on Cyprus [WATCH]

      “I am very satisfied that our Eurogroup joint statement respects the dignity of the Cypriot people by letting their own Authorities decide the appropriate administrative measures they deem fit to apply for their exceptional situation of their financial sector,” said Minister Scicluna following the conclusion of the Eurogroup meeting which was convened in Brussels…

  • Il-vantaġġ kompetittiv ta’ Malta qed jinbidel – Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna [WATCH]

    Il-vantaġġ kompetittiv ta’ Malta qed jinbidel – Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna [WATCH]

    Il-Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna huwa tal-fehma li l-vantaġġ kompetittiv ta’ pajjiżna qed jinbidel u Malta jeħtieġ tindirizza din is-sitwazzjoni. Waqt li kien qed jindirizza s-Seba’ Konferenza Annwali dwar it-Tassazzjoni, organizzata mill-Malta Institute of Management, il-Professur Scicluna qal li huwa mhux jgħid li Malta qed titlef jew tigg­wadanja b’dan imma l-kitba qiegħda fuq il-ħajt. “Mill-pożizzjoni li…

  • The long night between Friday and early Saturday

    The long night between Friday and early Saturday

      Malta’s Finance Minister Edward Scicluna talks about Cyprus’s funding needs and the role of Russia in a possible resolution. He speaks from Malta with Francine Lacqua and Guy Johnson on Bloomberg Television’s “The Pulse.”   – Bloomberg : Friday, 21st March 2013

  • Cyprus: a lesson for life

    Cyprus: a lesson for life

    There is nothing more undignified than the sight of a bankrupt person begging for assistance. The contrasts between the cosy and sometimes sumptuous living before the event and the state of helplessness and destitution soon after are stark indeed. While generous persons may come forward to offer their help, they know in their heart of…

  • L-MEP u Int – Prog 155

    L-MEP u Int – Prog 155

      This is the last program of the series MEP u Int. Labour MEP Prof. Edward Scicluna, who contested the General Elections of the 9 March 2013 was elected from two districts. He must therefore give up his seat in the European Parliament on his taking his least in the local National Parliament.  Last Wednesday…