Author: author_pc

  • Finance Minister at Special Euro Area Finance Ministers’ meeting on Cyprus

    Finance Minister at Special Euro Area Finance Ministers’ meeting on Cyprus

    “If one had any doubts about the indignity suffered by indebted countries who are forced to seek a bailout, one should have been present for the night long meeting held in Brussels to decide the bailout conditions to be imposed on Cyprus following the crises which left them with a 17 billion euro gap in…

  • First Days.. As Maltese Minister for Finance

    First Days.. As Maltese Minister for Finance

    On the 14 March 2013 one day following his appointment as Minister for Finance, Prof Edward Scicluna accompanied Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscat on his first EU summit. Prof Scicluna also attended his first Eurogroup meeting which focused on the Cyprus bail-out. They met with Martin Schulz, the President of the European Parliament and former…

  • Prime Minister says new Labour government is ‘staunchly European’

    Prime Minister says new Labour government is ‘staunchly European’

    It was a very friendly and informal greeting that welcomed Prime Minister Joseph Muscat at the European Parliament in Rue Wiertz today, for his first official visit to the European institutions as Maltese prime minister. Waiting for him outside the European Parliament building, EP president Martin Schulz, a former leader of the Party of the…

  • Prof Edward Scicluna – Minister for Finance – Swearing-in Ceremony [WATCH]

    Prof Edward Scicluna – Minister for Finance – Swearing-in Ceremony [WATCH]

    The swearing-in of the new Cabinet was held at the Palace in Valletta. The ceremony was presided by President George Abela, accompanied by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, the Chief Justice and the Attorney General. Edward Scicluna, Minister of Finance Budget Office, The Treasury, Inland Revenue, Indirect Taxation, Customs and Excise, Contracts, Financial Services Regulation, Malta…

  • Malta Election 2013 Results

    Malta Election 2013 Results

    Prof Edward Scicluna who contested the 5th and the 8th district was elected from both districts during the Malta General Elections held on the 9 March 2013. It was a historical landslide victory for the Partit Laburista over the Partit Nazzjonalista.   [nggallery id=122] Il-Professur Edward Scicluna li kien qed jikkontesta l-Elezzjonijiet Ġenerali fid-9 ta’ Marzu…

  • Solutions to a financial crisis – L-MEP u Int – Prog 154

    Solutions to a financial crisis – L-MEP u Int – Prog 154

      Matul il-programm L-MEP U INT l-Ewroparlamentari Laburista il-Prof Edward Scicluna tkellem dwar l-evoluzzjoni tal-kriżi finanzjarja u kif bħala Membru Parlamentari Ewropew ħadem sabiex tinstab soluzzjoni għal din il-kriżi. Tkellem ukoll dwar kif ir-riżulati ta’ l-elezzjoni fl-Italja affetwaw is-soluzzjonijiet ta’ din il-kriżi. Il-programm L-MEP U Int jixxandar kull nhar ta’ Ġimgħa fis-7.20pm fuq Smash TV…

  • Prof Edward Scicluna on TVAM – TVM – 07.03.2013

    Prof Edward Scicluna on TVAM – TVM – 07.03.2013

    Fuq TVAM Prof Scicluna tkellem dwar l-andament tal-kampanja elettorali. Spjega wkoll kif il-Gvern Nazzjonalista mhux qed ikun ambizzjuz biżżejjed fil-ħolqien tax-xogħol. Minn naħa l-oħra l-Partit Laburista qed jimmira li jkun hemm 75% tal-popolazzjoni Maltija f’xogħol sal-2020.   During the programme on TVAM Prof Scicluna spoke about the course of the election campaign. He also explained…

  • Prof Edward Scicluna on ‘It-Tokk’ – ONE Radio – 07.03.2013

    Prof Edward Scicluna on ‘It-Tokk’ – ONE Radio – 07.03.2013

    ‘Il-Partit Laburista tul din il-kampanja elettorali wera mill-bidu nett li huwa konsistenti u kredibbli u minn naħa l-oħra kixef l-inkonsistenza u nuqqas ta’ governabilita’ serju minn naħa tal-gvern Nazzjonalista mmexxi mill-Prim Ministru Lawrence Gonzi. Il-Partit Laburista huwa lest biex jiggverna u għandu programm elettorali immirat għat-tkabbir ekonomiku u għall-kontinwita’. Dan qalu l-kandidat Laburista l-Professur Edward…

  • Prof Edward Scicluna on Breakfast News – ONE – 07.03.2013

    Prof Edward Scicluna on Breakfast News – ONE – 07.03.2013

    Fuq Breakfast News il-Prof Scicluna qal ‘Jekk il-poplu jagħtina l-fiduċja qed nassiguraw li jkun hemm il-kontinwita’ u dan għaliex kulħadd inkluż il-Fond Monetarju Internazzjonali, ir-rating agencies u l-ambaxxati ġew kollha infurmati bil-programm elettorali tal-Partit Laburtista. B’hekk qed niggarantixxu kredibilita’ u konsistenza’.   During Breakfast News on ONE Prof. Scicluna said “If the people shows us…

  • Prof Edward Scicluna on Reporter – Favourite Channel – 06.03.2013

    Prof Edward Scicluna on Reporter – Favourite Channel – 06.03.2013

    During the programme ‘Reporter’ on Favourite Channel on Wednesday 6 March, hosted and presented by Saviour Balzan,  Prof. Edward Scicluna spoke about the country’s economic situation and the proposals of Partit Laburista. Prof Scicluna spoke about PL’s positive campaign, and how PL will be able to offer a different leadership by focusing on the important…