Author: author_pc

  • An update of Events impacting European Politics – L-MEP u Int – Prog 153

    An update of Events impacting European Politics – L-MEP u Int – Prog 153

    During this week’s program, Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna spoke about how the political events of this week have affected the European Union. Prof Scicluna talks about the agreement reached between the Commission and the European Parliament on stricter rules for European banks. He also explains about the rationale and the process behind this agreement…

  • InterContinental Hotel & Libyan Delegation meeting with PL

    InterContinental Hotel & Libyan Delegation meeting with PL

    On Tuesday 5March, just a few days before the general elections, Labour candidate for the 5th and 8th district Prof.Edward Scicluna accompanied Labour leader Joseph Muscat on two different occasions, the first at the HotelInterContinental in San Julian where he met with the management and staff of the hotel. Later Prof. Edward Scicluna waspart of…

  • Prof Edward Scicluna on 9:03 – ONE – 04.03.2013

    Prof Edward Scicluna on 9:03 – ONE – 04.03.2013

    ‘Kburi li kont parti mit-tim li ħadem fuq il-proposti tal-manifest elettorali tal-Partit Laburista. Jien persważ li l-poplu Malti u Għawdxi se jagħżel dan il-programm elettorali tal-Partit Laburista’. Dan qalu l-kandidat Laburista għall-5 u t-8 distrett il-Professur Edward Scicluna meta nhar it-Tnejn 4 ta’ Marzu kien qed jieħu sehem fuq il-programm 9:03 fuq ONE TV, ippreżentat…

  • Prof Edward Scicluna on Kalamita – ONE – 05.03.2013

    Prof Edward Scicluna on Kalamita – ONE – 05.03.2013

    Nhar it-Tlieta 5 ta’ Marzu il-Prof Scicluna kien wieħed mill-mistiedna fuq il-programm Kalamita fuq ONE ippreżentat minn Alfred Zammit. Huwa fisser il-programm elettorali tal-Partit Laburista bħala l-iktar wieħed fattibli u li jimmira prinċipalment għat-tkabbir ekonomiku u ħolqien ta’ impiegi.     On Tuesday 5 March Labour candidate Prof Edward Scicluna was one of the guests…



    One tends to recall that the economy and elections are very much related. The famous statement “the economy stupid” was coined with this in mind. Leaders of contesting political parties can only ignore the economy at their own peril argues Prof Edward Scicluna. Let’s unearth why… Incumbent governments know how important it is to face…

  • Our Plan for Economic Growth

    Our Plan for Economic Growth

    There is no doubt that, since the Second World War, it has been the desire of every parent that his or her children should enjoy a better life than he or she had. Back before the early industrial revolution, in an agrarian society, dire poverty was accepted as a way of life. The poor, or…

  • Nibqgħu sereni

    Nibqgħu sereni

    Naħseb li kulħadd semagħha l-aħbar tal-ispeċjalista tal-qalb fl-isptar ġenerali tagħna li nnota li n-numru ta’ persuni deħlin bi problemi ċirkulatori u tal-qalb qed jiżdied sew tul din-il-kampanja elettorali twila. Jien ukoll ħadt nota tagħha, forsi bħal kulħadd, bi tbissima. Imma meta żżur il-familji fi djarhom u tarahom inkwetati ma tibqax xi ħaġa tad-daħk. In-nies huma…

  • Laqgħa ta’ Diskussjoni – EJJA U STAQSI – Il-Ħamis, 28 ta’ Frar – University Residence, Ħal Lija

    Laqgħa ta’ Diskussjoni – EJJA U STAQSI – Il-Ħamis, 28 ta’ Frar – University Residence, Ħal Lija

    Nhar il-Ħamis 28 ta’ Frar il-Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna kompla jżomm kuntatt mal-kostitwenti b’laqgħa pubblika oħra ‘Ejja u Staqsi’ din id-darba f’Ħal-Lija. Il-Prof Scicluna tkellem dwar is-sitwazzjoni tal-ħolqien tal-20,000 impiegi ġodda li l-gvern Nazzjonalista qed jgħid illi ħoloq u qal li dawn il-figuri mhux fattibli. Kif jagħmel dejjem f’dawn il-laqgħat huwa wieġeb mistoqsijiet li…

  • ‘The economy is suffering from a lack of potential’

    ‘The economy is suffering from a lack of potential’

    MEP Edward Scicluna, who is expected to be given a senior economic Cabinet post should the Labour Party win the election, is interviewed by Anthony Manduca.   The Labour Party’s electoral campaign has largely focused on non-economic issues, such as political reform and energy. Is this because the Labour Party acknowledges that the economy is doing…

  • PL to use benefits as work incentive

    PL to use benefits as work incentive

    MEP Edward Scicluna has said that a Labour government would change the welfare system to encourage people to enter the labour market. Interviewed by The Times Business, the Labour candidate, who is expected to be given a senior economic Cabinet post if his party wins the election, said: “I always talked about the fact that…