Author: author_pc

  • Coffee Morning -Thursday, 31st January, 2013 – Ramla Bay Resort, Mellieħa

    Coffee Morning -Thursday, 31st January, 2013 – Ramla Bay Resort, Mellieħa

    Prof Scicluna enjoyed meeting with all those attending the Coffee Morning organised by his friends. Thanks to all those who attended….and looking forward to the next one!       Il-Professur Edward Scicluna attenda attivita’ soċjali ta’ Coffee Morning organizzata mill-ħbieb tiegħu. Ħa gost ħafna jitkellem ma’ dawk kollha li attendew u filwaqt li rringrazzjhom,…

  • Għalik – ONE Radio – 31.01.2013

    Għalik – ONE Radio – 31.01.2013

    Nhar il-Ħamis 31 ta’ Jannar il-Professur Edward Scicluna kien mistieden fuq il-programm Għalik fuq One Radio ippreżentat minn Maria Camilleri. Prof Scicluna li huwa kandidat għall-5 u t-8 distrett tkellem fuq l-andament tal-kampanja elettorali sa issa. Huwa qal li l-Partit Laburista għandu strateġija ċara u studjata u huwa konsistenti f’dak kollu li qed jagħmel, inkluż…

  • A Striking Contrast in Parties’ proposals and approach – ONE BREAKFAST – 30.01.2013

    A Striking Contrast in Parties’ proposals and approach – ONE BREAKFAST – 30.01.2013

    Professor Edward Scicluna MEP started off his busy day with his participation on the program ONE BREAKFAST on Wednesday 30 January. He spoke in detail about the striking differences between the Labour Party and the Nationalist Party’s election proposals and the approach in their presentations. He said that the Labour party is putting these forward…

  • Prof Edward Scicluna on Vie – ONE – 29.01.2013

    Prof Edward Scicluna on Vie – ONE – 29.01.2013

    On Tuesday 29 January Professor Edward Scicluna MEP and Labour candidate for the 5th and 8th district was a guest on Vie, a program on ONE presented by Jackie Mercieca. Prof. Scicluna spoke about several issues and particularly on the Labour Party’s electoral program. He said that his main objectives are economic growth, reduction in bureaucracy, increase efficiency and…

  • We rely on your good judgement

    We rely on your good judgement

    Dear Friends, At election time, there is always the temptation for politicians to appear with eye-catching promises and pledges. Yesterday, Lawrence Gonzi and Tonio Fenech revealed their electoral plans to increase government recurrent expenditure annually by €120 million, and displacing annual capital expenditure by quickly-thought-out projects costing €165 million each year. The total bill for…

  • Prof Edward Scicluna on TVAM – TVM – 29.01.2013

    Prof Edward Scicluna on TVAM – TVM – 29.01.2013

    On Tuesday 29 January Professor Edward Scicluna MEP and Labour candidate for the 5th and 8th district met again with Minister Tonio Fenech who was also invited on TVAM program on Television Malta presented by Pierre Portelli and Joseph Mifsud.  Prof. Scicluna continued to criticise the projections presented by Minister Fenech regarding the PN electoral promises…

  • Prof Edward Scicluna fuq ‘Bi Dritt’ – Smash TV – 28.01.2013

    Prof Edward Scicluna fuq ‘Bi Dritt’ – Smash TV – 28.01.2013

    Nhar it-Tnejn 28 ta’ Jannar il-kandidat Laburista għall-5 u t-8 distrett l-Ewroparlamentari l-Professur Edward Scicluna kien mistieden fuq il-programm ta’ diskussjoni ‘Bi Dritt’ fuq Smash Television ippreżentat minn Richard Matrenza. Matul dan il-programm tkellem dwar diversi suġġetti fosthom il-governanza politika, il-leave tal-maternita’, ħolqien tal-impjiegi fost oħrajn. F’dan il-programm ħa sehem ukoll id-deputat Nazzjonalista David Aguis.  …

  • Business Focus – ONE – 29.01.2013

    Nhar it-Tlieta 29 ta’ Jannar il-kandidat Laburista għall-5 u t-8 distrett l-Ewroparlamentari l-Professur Edward Scicluna kien mistieden fuq il-programm ‘Business Focus’ fuq ONE li matulu ġew diskussi l-kunċetti ta Self Employed u l-Micro Business. Il-Professur Scicluna tkellem dwar l-importanza ta’ dan il-qasam għall-ekonomija Maltija. Huwa qal li l-proposti tal-Partit Laburista għal dan is-settur huma intenzjonati…

  • Prof Edward Scicluna on TV HEMM – TVM – 28.01.2013

    Prof Edward Scicluna on TV HEMM – TVM – 28.01.2013

    On Monday 28 January Professor Edward Scicluna MEP and Labour candidate for the 5th and 8th district was a guest on the TV program TV HEMM on Television Malta. During the debate with Finance Minister Tonio Fenech he stated that the costings submitted by the Minister regarding the PN Electoral promises are just a cosmetic…

  • PL Press Conferences – Monday, 28th January, 2013

    PL Press Conferences – Monday, 28th January, 2013

    Professor Edward Scicluna MEP and Labour candidate for the 5th and 8th district is working through a very busy schedule with his election campaign. On Monday 28 January Prof. Scicluna joined Labour leader Dr Joseph Muscat when he addressed a Press Conference during which 8 proposals to incentivise businesses and families were announced.  Also present…