Author: author_pc

  • Youths Guarantee Scheme – L-MEP u Int – Prog 148

    Youths Guarantee Scheme – L-MEP u Int – Prog 148

      The resolution for the Youths Guarantee which was approved by the European Parliament in Strasbourg was discussed in detail by Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna on Friday 25th January in this edition of MEP u INT television programme on Smash TV. Professor Scicluna said that this resolution was needed because of the fact that…

  • Laqgħa ta’ Diskussjoni – EJJA U STAQSI – Il-Ħamis, 24 ta’ Jannar – Aida Hall, Żurrieq

    Laqgħa ta’ Diskussjoni – EJJA U STAQSI – Il-Ħamis, 24 ta’ Jannar – Aida Hall, Żurrieq

    Nhar il-Ħamis 24 ta’ Jannar l-Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna żamm l-appuntament tiegħu maċ-ċittadini b’laqgħa oħra pubblika ‘Ejja u Staqsi’ fiż-Żurrieq. Il-Professur Scicluna qal li l-proposta tal-Partit Laburista dwar Child Care b’xejn tmur id f’id mal-istudju li għamel hu stess dwar l-estensjoni tal-leave tal-maternita’ u dan biex ħafna iktar nisa jidħlu fid-dinja tax-xogħol. Huwa spjega…

  • Prof Edward Scicluna on Folji – ONE – 27.01.2013

    Prof Edward Scicluna on Folji – ONE – 27.01.2013

    L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista u kandidat għall-5 u 8 distrett il-Professur Edward Scicluna beda l-jum tal-Ħadd 27 ta’ Jannar kmieni filgħodu bil-parteċipazzjoni tiegħu fuq il-programm ‘Folji’ fuq ONE li kien ippreżentat minn Silvio Debono. Il-Professur Scicluna flimkien mal-mistiedna l-oħra analiżża l-ġurnali kollha tal-Ħadd. Fost l-istejjer prinċipali li huwa analizza kienet dik dwar l-allegat korruzzjoni fix-xiri taż-żejt mill-Korporazzjoni…

  • Prof Scicluna on Close Up – TVM – 21.01.2013

    Prof Scicluna on Close Up – TVM – 21.01.2013

    ‘We have many questions about the oil procurement issue because the Nationalist government continued to resist the switch from oil to gas in energy production.’ Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th district Professor Edward Scicluna said this on Monday 21 January when he was invited on the discussion program Close Up on…

  • No free lunch

    No free lunch

    Jidher biċ-ċar li r-risposta tal-Prim Ministru għar-Road Map studjata u argumentata mill-Partit Laburista għal ħames snin li ġejjin hi li joffri xita ta’ wegħdi bil-ħsieb li jagħti l-impressjoni li dawn huma simili (bħal każ tat-tablets) u wkoll aktar ġenerużi. Il-leader tal-Partit Laburista Dr Joseph Muscat diġa’ rrisponda u qal li l-Partit Laburista mhux ser jaqa’…

  • PL Press Conference at Birżebbuġa Waterpolo Pitch

    PL Press Conference at Birżebbuġa Waterpolo Pitch

        On Friday 25th January Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th districts Professor Edward Scicluna attended a press conference addressed by Labour leader Joseph Muscat near the Birżebbuġa waterpolo pitch. Dr. Muscat said that a new Labour Government will invest in a complex that the Birżebbuġa residents will be proud of.…

  • Our surreal situation

    I reckon that both the divorce issue and the forthcoming election will be noted in our future history books as the two events that shook Maltese society out of its slumber. For the past few decades, Maltese society has accepted the dictum “do not fix if it ain’t broken” and preferred instead living a life…

  • Ir-Rapport ta’ Standard & Poor’s kif għandek taqrah?

    Ir-Rapport ta’ Standard & Poor’s kif għandek taqrah?

    Il-probabilita’ hi li l-biċċa l-kbira tal-qarrejja ta’ dan l-artiklu ma rawx b’għajnejhom ir-Rapport tekniku ta’ Standard & Poor’s, u inqas minn hekk li kellhom l-opportunita’ li jaqrawh. Ma niskantawx allura li billi kull ma jisimgħu huma l-interpretazzjonijiet ta’ xi esperti u persuni oħra ta’ biċċiet ’l hawn u ’l hemm  mir-rapport, il-konfużjoni u d-dubji jikbru. …

  • Eurobonds – Report from the European Parliament

    Eurobonds – Report from the European Parliament

      Prof Edward Scicluna spoke on Smash TV on the programme ‘Report from the European Parliament’. During this programme Prof Scicluna talked about the last report by the European Parliament on the stability bonds for which he was shadow rapporteur. He described the importance of these bonds and the impact this may have on the European financial crisis.     Eurobonds – Rapport mill-Parlament Ewropew Prof Edward Scicluna tkellem fuq Smash TV fil-programm ‘Rapport mill-Parlament Ewropew’.  F’dan il-programm Prof Scicluna tkellem dwar Rapport li għadda mill-Parlament Ewropew fuq l-istability bonds li fuqhom huwa…

  • Prof Scicluna at PL Press Conferences on Malta’s Economy and S&P’s Credit rating downgrade [WATCH]

    Prof Scicluna at PL Press Conferences on Malta’s Economy and S&P’s Credit rating downgrade [WATCH]

    Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th districts Prof Edward Scicluna MEP was present for two Press Conferences called by Partit Laburista on the 16th and the 17th January respectively regarding the Party’s election pledge:  economic growth for a better quality of life and the second downgrade for Malta in a year by…