Author: author_pc

  • Breakfast News – ONE – 17.01.2013

    Breakfast News – ONE – 17.01.2013

    ‘Standard and Poor’s report downgrading Malta’s credit rating clearly indicates that the Government is either not accepting or even worse ignoring the  economic and financial situation Malta is in’. This was stated by Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th districts Professor Edward Scicluna on Thursday 17th January on ONE programme Breakfast News.…

  • Edward Scicluna on 9:03 – ONE – 17.01.2013

    Edward Scicluna on 9:03 – ONE – 17.01.2013

    L-Ewroparlamentari u kandidat għall-5 u t-8 distrett il-Professur Edward Scicluna nhar il-Ħamis 17 ta’ Jannar kien mistieden fuq il-programm ta’ diskussjoni 9:03 fuq ONE ippreżentat minn Miriam Dalli. Il-Professur Scicluna wieġeb numru ta’ mistoqsijiet li sarulu fuq ir-rapport tal-aġenzija tal-credit rating ‘Standard and Poors’ li naqset il-kreditu ta’ Malta filwaqt li esprima dubji serji dwar…

  • Campaign Trail

    Campaign Trail

    Labour candidate for the 5th and 8th district Professor Edward Scicluna MEP is taking an active part in the Partit Laburista general elections campaign attending mass meetings, party rallies, conferences and other political activities. This week he attended activities at Mqabba, Marsaxlokk and Gozo whilst continuing his personal campaign in the 5th and 8th districts,…

  • ‘Għalik’ – ONE Radio – 15.01.2013

    ‘Għalik’ – ONE Radio – 15.01.2013

    ‘The concept of a movement that Labour Party leader Joseph Muscat brought in within the Labour Party is a huge success that totally surprised and confused Gonzi PN. The main reason for this success is that people from all walks of life and with different ideologies and beliefs are contributing greatly to this movement’. Labour…

  • Prof Scicluna on Bejnietna – Favourite Channel – 14.01.2013

    Prof Scicluna on Bejnietna – Favourite Channel – 14.01.2013

    Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th district Professor Edward Scicluna was invited on a discussion TV programme ‘Bejnietna’ on Favourite Channel on Monday 14 January 2013 to discuss issues related to the Electoral Campaign. The programme was presented by Kevin Charles Micallef. Other guests on the panel were Prof. Arnold Scicluna and…

  • Prof. Edward Scicluna on VIE – ONE – 10.01.2013

    Prof. Edward Scicluna on VIE – ONE – 10.01.2013

    ‘Bi tnaqqis ta’ ħela u bl-effiċjenza tiffranka l-flus, u l-finanzi għall-proġett tal-enerġija li ppropona l-Partit Laburista jiġu minn hemm’. Dan qalu l-Ewroparlamentari Laburista u kandidat għall-5 u t-8 distrett il-Professur Edward Scicluna nhar il-Ħamis 10 ta’ Jannar waqt li kien qed jieħu sehem fil-programm ta’ diskussjoni Vie mmexxi minn Jackie Mercieca fuq One TV. Huwa…

  • A Challenging Year – L-MEP u Int – Prog 147

    A Challenging Year – L-MEP u Int – Prog 147

      In this L-MEP u INT programme Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna describes the year ahead at the European Parliament as a crucial and challenging one for the MEPs who will be working on important reforms aimed mainly to improve the economy. On top of the European Parliament agenda, negotiations for the 2014-2020 European Union…

  • Ippubblikajnihom l-istudji?

    Ippubblikajnihom l-istudji?

    Fost il-kritika li qed issir mill-partit tal-gvern lejn il-Proposta serja tal-Partit Laburista dwar il-mod kif bi ħsiebu jraħħas il-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma hemm dik li tgħid li billi l-Partit mhux qed jippubblika l-istudji kollha tiegħu allura il-proposta ma tistax tkun kredibbli.  Ejja nieqfu s’hawn għax naħseb li min mar oltra minn hekk u sejħilha l-gimmick…

  • Results of a Noise Survey for Birżebbuġa

    Results of a Noise Survey for Birżebbuġa

    In 2009, the Malta Freeport Terminals Ltd were denied their requested extension by MEPA mainly due to the fact that the Environmental Impact Assessment did not carry out a scientifically accepted Social Impact Assessment,  including a Noise Survey. Subsequently, about a year later, the Freeport extension was approved by MEPA conditional on Malta Freeport accepting…

  • A Wonderful Evening

    A Wonderful Evening

    Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th district Professor Edward Scicluna was given a great welcome by the hundreds of people that attended a New Year Buffet dinner on Saturday 5th January at the InterContinental Hotel in Paceville organised in his honour by his friends. In a brief speech Professor Scicluna thanked all…