Author: author_pc

  • Birżebbuġa Problems

    Birżebbuġa Problems

    On Saturday 5th January Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th district Professor Edward Scicluna attended a Press Conference addressed by the Birżebbuġa mayor Joseph Farrugia  who accused the Nationalist government led by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi of ignoring the needs of the locality and of promises the government did not keep. Mayor Farrugia…

  • New Year’s Greetings

    New Year’s Greetings

    On Tuesday 1st January Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th district Professor Edward Scicluna was part of the Labour Party MP’s, MEP’s and candidates delegation that visited the President George Abela, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, the Archbishop Paul Cremona and the leader of the Opposition Joseph Muscat for conveying of the New…

  • A comprehensive and viable energy plan – TV HEMM – TVM – 08.01.2013

    A comprehensive and viable energy plan – TV HEMM – TVM – 08.01.2013

    ‘The Labour Party energy plan to switch from heavy fuel oil to gas will reduce the price of electricity production from 18 eurocents per unit to 9 eurocents per unit’. Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th districts Professor Edward Scicluna made this statement on Tuesday 8th January while taking part in a…

  • The International Year of Statistics – L-MEP u Int – Prog 146

    The International Year of Statistics – L-MEP u Int – Prog 146

      In this first ‘L-MEP u INT’ programme for this year Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna discusses the importance of reliable and genuine statistics. Being the International Year of Statistics declared by the United Nations, Prof Scicluna speaks about Reports he wrote on behalf of the Committee of Economic and Monetary Affairs to enhance the…

  • Prof. Edward Scicluna files Judicial Protest against Broadcasting Authority

    Prof. Edward Scicluna files Judicial Protest against Broadcasting Authority

    Earlier today, Prof Edward Scicluna MEP filed a judicial protest against the Broadcasting Authority.  In his protest, Prof Scicluna argued that the Broadcasting Authority’s decision to suspend his weekly programme ‘MEP u Int’ broadcasted by a local private commercial television station was abusive and discriminatory in his regard.  Prof Scicluna argued that since the MEP…

  • Il-verità numerika kollha bla kantunieri

    Il-verità numerika kollha bla kantunieri

    Il-Ġnus Maqgħuda iddedikat is-sena 2013 bħala s-sena Internazzjonali tal-Istatistika. L-uffiċċju Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika ta’ Malta l-NSO qed jingħaqad ma’ iktar minn elf u erba’ mitt organizzazjoni minn mija u tmien pajjiż li qed ikuni jimmarkaw din is-sena dedikata lil-Istatistika. Ħalli ngħiduha kif inhi, l-kelma nnifisha “statistika” qatt ma tqajjem xi emozzjonijiet, jew xi nteress partikolari. Anke…

  • ‘L-Argument matul il-Ġimgħa’ – RTK – 03.01.2013

    ‘L-Argument matul il-Ġimgħa’ – RTK – 03.01.2013

    ‘If elected, the Labour Party will work to reduce wastage and focus on economic growth’. Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th district Professor Edward Scicluna made this statement on Thursday 3rd January on RTK radio programme ‘L-Argument matul il-ġimgħa’ presented by Charles Xuereb. Prof Scicluna answered questions put forward by Mr Xuereb…

  • Prof. Edward Scicluna on dot eu – TVM – 29.12.2012

    Prof. Edward Scicluna on dot eu – TVM – 29.12.2012

    Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna was interviewed by journalist Ruth Castillo on the TVM programme “dot eu” on Saturday 29 December. He spoke about main issues that had an impact on the European Union, the Euro Zone and Malta during 2012. Prof. Scicluna explained why he is hopeful that the worst of the financial and…

  • A Review of 2012 and Prospects for 2013 – L-MEP u Int – Prog 145

    A Review of 2012 and Prospects for 2013  – L-MEP u Int – Prog 145

    In this last MEP u INT programme of the year, Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna looks back at the year 2012 focusing on the economic and financial sectors around the world and mainly on the European Union and the Eurozone. He also talks about the economic global prospects and why he is hopeful for the…

  • L-Ewro u Aħna: Inqalbet il-folja?

    L-Ewro u Aħna: Inqalbet il-folja?

    Bħal-lum huwa normali li wieħed jagħti ħarsa lura lejn dak li ġara matul is-sena li waslet biex tintemm u jara x’effett dan il-passat jista’ jkollu għas-sena li ġejja. Bħal ma wieħed jistenna jien ser niffoka fuq ġrajjiet ekonomiċi li seħħew fl-Ewropa u partikolarment fiż-Żona Ewro li kellhom effett fuqna u jistgħu jkollhom effett anke ‘l…