Author: author_pc

  • Edward Scicluna on Crossroads

    Edward Scicluna on Crossroads

      The Budget expectations, the economic policies of the Nationalist Government, the deficit, the National debt and the economic crisis in the neighboring countries were some of the subjects that Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th districts Professor Edward Scicluna discussed during the programme ‘Crossroads’. Other subjects discussed during the programme were…

  • Edward Scicluna on Close-Up – TVM

    Edward Scicluna on Close-Up – TVM

    ‘L-interess Nazzjonali kienet il-prijorita assoluta tal-Partit Laburista u tad-delegazzjoni Laburista fil-Parlament Ewropew fil-ħidma li saret biex l-Ministru Tonio Borg jiġi approvat bħala Kummissarju tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea’. Dan kien l-argument prinċipali li għamel l-Ewroparlamentari Laburista u kandidat għall-5 u t-8 distrett il-Professur Edward Scicluna fil-programm ta’ diskussjoni Close-Up fuq TVM u TVM2 li xxandar it-Tnejn 26 ta’…

  • The Budget 2013 – L-MEP u Int – Prog 141

    The Budget 2013 – L-MEP u Int – Prog 141

    The Budget 2013 and the ongoing government uncertain political situation is discussed in detail by Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna. He also talks about how the Budget is influenced by the European Commission, the international institutions such as the IMF and the Rating agencies.   The program L-MEP U INT (The MEP and You) is broadcast every Friday at 7.20pm on Smash TV…

  • Il-Baġit 2013 u l-Unjoni Ewropea

    Il-Baġit 2013 u l-Unjoni Ewropea

    Mistoqsija li ħafna jistaqsuni dwar dan il-baġit hi dwar jekk dan għaddiex mill-iskrutinju tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea u x’kienet l-opinjoni tagħha. Irrid ngħid li baġit finanzjarju nazzjonali jiġi approvat meta l-Parlament nazzjonali japprovah b’maġġoranza tal-Kamra tar-Rappreżentanti. Iżda bħala membru tal-Unjoni Ewropea u iżjed u iżjed bħala membru taż-Żona Ewro, Malta trid toqgħod għar-regolamenti tal-Unjoni Ewropea li għandhom…

  • Baġit Surreali u Rigressiv

    Baġit Surreali u Rigressiv

    Nhar l-Erbgha nghataw l-ewwel reazzjonijiet ghad-diskors tal-Bagit. Naturalment id-diskors tal-Bagit u d-dokumenti li tqassmu mieghu, l-Economic Survey u l-Estim Generali tal-Gvern, huma voluminuzi u jridu l-hin biex jigu analizzati sew. Issa li ghaddew ftit granet minn fuq id-diskors tal-Bagit, kien hemm ic-cans biex issir analizi aktar profonda u dettaljata. Dwar il-Bagit 2013, hadna l-kummenti ta’…

  • Edward Scicluna on Dissett – TVM2 – 24.11.2012

    Edward Scicluna on Dissett – TVM2 – 24.11.2012

    Full programme can be viewed by click on video clip.  ‘There is a lot of uncertainty in this budget. We want to give peace of mind to everyone and will retain the framework of the Budget. People are fed up, they want somebody to give them hope’.   Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th…

  • National Conference on the Malta Attractiveness Survey 2012

    National Conference on the Malta Attractiveness Survey 2012

    Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna spoke during a panel discussion during the 8th annual National Conference on the Malta Attractiveness Survey 2012 which was held on Thursday 22nd November at the Malta Chamber of Commerce. The survey was carried out by Ernst and Young with around 100 top executives from FDI companies.   —  …

  • Edward Scicluna on It-Tokk – ONE Radio – 22.11.2012

    Edward Scicluna on It-Tokk – ONE Radio – 22.11.2012

    ‘Kif wiegħed il-mexxej Laburista Joseph Muscat, gvern Laburista ġdid iżomm il-qafas tal-baġit li jkun tressaq minn gvern Nazzjonalista basta dan jitqies bħala li huwa sostenibbli mill-Unjoni Ewropea’. Dan qalu l-Ewroparlamentari Laburista u kandidat għall- 5 u t-8 distrett il-Professur Edward Scicluna nhar il-Ħamis 22 ta’ Novembru fil-programm ta’ diskussjoni ‘It-Tokk’ fuq One Radio. Il-Professur Scicluna…

  • Analiżi tal-Ġurnali on One Radio – 25.11.2012

    Analiżi tal-Ġurnali on One Radio – 25.11.2012

    Labour MEP Prof. Edward Scicluna was a guest on the program Analiżi tal-Ġurnali on Sunday morning 25 November 2012 presented by Aaron Farrugia on One Radio . They gave a review of the local Sunday newspapers and discussed the local financial situation and Budget.     L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista il-Professur Edward Scicluna kien mistieden fuq il-programm…

  • Edward Scicluna on Sibt il-Punt – ONE Radio – 24.11.2012

      Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th district Professor Edward Scicluna on Saturday 24th November was a guest on the discussion program on One Radio ‘Sibt il-Punt’ presented by Manwel Micallef. What are the reasons and implications of the position taken by Labour leader Joseph Muscat to retain the framework of the…