Author: author_pc

  • Il-politika ta’ wara l-kwinti għall-baġit Ewropew

    Il-politika ta’ wara l-kwinti għall-baġit Ewropew

    F’dawn l-aħħar ġimgħat, l-attenzjoni prinċipali fl-Unjoni Ewro­pea kienet iffukata fuq in-ne­gozjati għall-baġit tal-Unjoni Ewropea 2014-2020. Il-gvern Ingliż qed isostni li l-Unjoni Ewropea trid mhux biss tiffriża imma saħansitra għandha taqta’ l-baġit tagħha għas-seba’ snin li ġejjin. Kien hemm min qal li jekk dan ma jseħħx, ir-Renju Unit se jeval­wa il-pożizzjoni tiegħu bħala stat membru tal-Unjoni…

  • Invitation on TVAM – TVM – 23.11.2012

    Invitation on TVAM – TVM – 23.11.2012

    Labour MEP Prof. Edward Scicluna was invited last Friday morning 23 November 2012 on the program TVAM on PBS together with Finance Minister Tonio Fenech, as well as Perit Charles Mangion and Nationalist MEP Simon Busuttil. Together with presenter Pierre Portelli they discussed the Budget and the local financial situation.     Stedina fuq TVAM…

  • The UK and the European Union Budget – L-MEP u Int – Prog 140

    The UK and the European Union Budget – L-MEP u Int – Prog 140

      The UK is insisting that there will be cuts in the upcoming European Union budget for the next 7 years. In this MEP u INT programme Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna talks about the UK’s government stand in the EU budget negotiations and also about UK’s attitude within the European Union. The program L-MEP…

  • Prof. Edward Scicluna on Breakfast News

    Prof. Edward Scicluna on Breakfast News

      Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna was interviewed by journalists Charlon Gouder and Ramona Attard about the European Commission’s Autumn Economic Forecast conclusions last Monday 12 November on ‘Breakfast News’ on ONE . Prof Scicluna gave his analysis on several points outlined in the Report and explained technically why one should be wary of certain…

  • The Malta Institute of Accountants 2012 Conference

    The Malta Institute of Accountants 2012 Conference

    Prof Edward Scicluna, spoke during a panel discussion on the EU’s accounting and auditing legislative proposals which are being discussed in the Committee for Economic and Financial Affairs of which he is Vice-Chairman. He gave the reasons which triggered the need for these two proposals and the likely development in the European Parliament. He also…

  • Government’s debt legacy

    Government’s debt legacy

    The debt issue is not just a Labour issue, it is a national issue. In actual fact I find it more of a concern among the business community which knows only too well its repercussions. Business persons know that debt burdens once incurred can only be transferred, as say from one generation to another, or…

  • The Art of Persuasion – L-MEP u Int – Prog 139

    The Art of Persuasion – L-MEP u Int – Prog 139

    Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna speaks about the importance of the art of persuasion in the daily work of the MEP in the European Parliament. In this MEP u INT programme 139 Prof Scicluna said the deputy prime Minister Dr Tonio Borg in the past weeks had to use his persuasion to try and win…

  • L-Arti tal-persważjoni fil-Parlament Ewropew

    L-Arti tal-persważjoni fil-Parlament Ewropew

    Matul dawn il-jiem għajnejn il-poplu Malti kienu ffokati fuq il-Parlament Ewropew minħabba l-iskrutinju tal-Viċi Prim Ministru u Ministru tal-Affarijiet Barranin Dr Tonio Borg bħala parti mill-proċess tal-ħatra tiegħu bħala Kummissarju għas-Saħħa u l-Ħarsien tal-Konsumatur. Issemmiet ħafna l-influwenza li l-Ewroparlamentari Maltin jistgħu jeżerċitaw fuq sħabhom il-Parlamentarji biex jikkonvinċu u jipperswadu. Imma kemm hu faċli jew diffiċli…



    Read the Interview >>   FIRST Magazine – The First Interview – Talk & Opinion – Sunday, 11th November, 2012    

  • St. Joseph Musical Society – Kirkop

    St. Joseph Musical Society – Kirkop

    Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th district Professor Edward Scicluna on Sunday 11th November was invited by the Committee of the St Joseph Musical Society of Kirkop for the symbolic opening of the Society’s second warehouse. Professor Scicluna conveyed his wishes to the Committee and the members of the Society for more…