Author: author_pc

  • IMF/World Bank Group Annual Meetings – L-MEP u Int – Prog 134

    IMF/World Bank Group Annual Meetings  – L-MEP u Int – Prog 134

      The Annual International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group meetings were held between the 9 and 14 October in Tokyo. Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna attended these meetings together with international economic and financial experts, finance ministers and Central Bank presidents from all over the world. Professor Scicluna has been attending these meeting for…

  • Prof Edward Scicluna – dot eu TVM [WATCH]

    Prof Edward Scicluna – dot eu TVM [WATCH]

    Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna was featured on TVM’s programme dot eu on Saturday 13 October. He was interviewed by the producer and presenter Keith Demicoli. Professor Scicluna amongst other things talked about what made him take the decision to contest the general elections as a Labour Party candidate. He also spoke about his work…

  • Labour MEP Scicluna at IMF/WB Annual Meetings in Tokyo

    Labour MEP Scicluna at IMF/WB Annual Meetings in Tokyo

    “It is customary for the annual IMF/WB meetings to serve in putting peer pressure on a number of countries and regions to confrom with the latest economic and financial consensus. This time it was the Eurozone’s turn to come under fire.” This was stated by Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna who is currently attending the…

  • The EU State of the Union Address 2012 – L-MEP u Int – Prog 133

    The EU State of the Union Address 2012 – L-MEP u Int – Prog 133

      Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna describes the ‘State of the Union Address 2012’ that European Commission President Jose’ Manuel Barroso presented at the Plenary session of the European Parliament on the 12 September in Strasbourg as a roadmap for the future of the European Union. This important speech was discussed in this MEP u…

  • Id-dejn għandu jbeżża’?

    Id-dejn għandu jbeżża’?

    FL-IMĦUĦ ta’ bosta l-kelma “Dejn” hija xi ħaġa li għandha tweġġa’ r-ras, sew jekk id-djun huma ta’ individwu, ta’ kumpanija, ta’ bank jew djun ta’ pajjiż. Imma d-djun huma kollha xorta? Jistgħu d-djun ikunu sostenibbli? F’liema punt id-dejn isir perikoluż? Kif nistgħu nirrimedjaw għal dejn li diġà sar? Dawn huma ħafna mis­toqsijiet li żgur li…

  • Prof Edward Scicluna MEP – dot eu TVM

    Prof Edward Scicluna MEP – dot eu TVM

    Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna was featured on the programme dot eu on Television Malta on Saturday 6 October 2012. He spoke about the proposal put forward by EU commissioner Viviane Reding that by the year 2020 state-owned companies must have 40 per cent women on their corporate Boards. Professor Scicluna said that due to…

  • ‘Fis-Sustanza’ on ONE

    ‘Fis-Sustanza’ on ONE

      Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna on Monday 1st October was the first guest on the new current affairs TV programme ‘Fis-Sustanza’ on ONE. He faced a hard hitting interview by the presenters Robert Musumeci and Simone Cini. Professor Scicluna answered questions on the issue of the minimum wage and the living wage, stipends, the…

  • Il-Paga Minima Nazzjonali u l-COLA

    Il-Paga Minima Nazzjonali u l-COLA

    F’dawn l-aħħar jiem is-suġġett tal-paga minima nazzjonali (il-Minimum Wage) ġie magħżul bħala l-ballun politiku tal-ġimgħa mill-Parit tal-Gvern. Il-miżinformazzjoni li ħarġet, t-tagħwiġ tal-kliem u l-gideb sfaċċat laħaq quċċata li qatt ma konna rajna bħalha. Għal xi wħud li tigdeb f’kampanja elettorali ma huwiex dnub, għax li tirbaħ hija kawża ġusta u allura kollox huwa leċitu. Naħseb…

  • The Minimum Wage and the Living Wage – L-MEP u Int – Prog 132

    The Minimum Wage and the Living Wage – L-MEP u Int – Prog 132

      ‘The Minimum Wage and the Living Wage are both important concepts in public policy that ensures economic growth for everyone’. This was discussed by Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna on the programme L-MEP u INT during which he discussed the difference between the minimum wage and the concept of living wage. The program L-MEP…

  • PES Congress – Brussels

    PES Congress – Brussels

    MEP Prof Edward Scicluna formed part of a PL delegation let by Dr Joseph Muscat to attend the the 9th PES Congress held in Brussels between the 28th and 29th September 2012. Prof Scicluna took part in a special economic experts meeting from leading EU countries under the Chairmanship of Hannes Swoboda, currently President of…