Author: author_pc

  • PL’s National Congress – Press Conference

    PL’s National Congress – Press Conference

    During Saturday’s morning Press conference Labour MEP Edward Scicluna said the government should come clean on its finances and not leave any surprises for the next government. He said the PL would be holding the government responsible for its management of public finances. Malta, he said was the only country which still uses a cash…

  • PL’s National Congress – Business Forum

    PL’s National Congress – Business Forum

      The PL’s National Congress kicked-off with it first significant and successful meeting – a business forum. The very civilised discussion in a packed hall at the Hotel Execelsior last Friday did not feature the usual gripes and platitudes. Instead the message came out loud and clear.  “We do not seek any favours from a…

  • A Single Banking Supervisor – L-MEP u Int – Prog 129

    A Single Banking Supervisor – L-MEP u Int – Prog 129

      Professor Scicluna said that all the MEPs from the 27 member states got back to work and are facing a very heavy schedule with many controversial items on the agenda, one of which is the proposal for a European Banking Union. He said that this plan is still raw and a lot of work…

  • Maltempata fi Brussell

    Maltempata fi Brussell

    Bħal ma ġralu t-temp hawnhekk f’pajjiżna, l-istess ġralu, fl-istess ġranet, il-Parlament Ewropew fi Brussell. Wara s-sħana tas-sajf, il-front kiesaħ li rnexxilu jidħol fil-Mediterran wassal għal maltempata kbira. Fil-Parlament wara waqfa ta’ erba’ ġimgħat għall-btajjel tas-sajf, l-ewwel laqgħa tal-Kumitat tiegħu tal-Ekonomija rat kemmxejn ta’ buffura li qanqlet mhux ħażin lill-ewroparlamentari li kienu preżenti. Li ġara kien…

  • The feast of the Nativity of Our Lady

    The feast of the Nativity of Our Lady

    Last Saturday 8th September Malta celebrated a national holiday, Victory Day. On the same day three towns in Malta Senglea, Mellieħa and Naxxar celebrated the traditional feast of the Nativity of Our Lady. Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna who resides at Naxxar attended the feast and visited the beautifully decorated parish church. He attended the…

  • Inauguration – New offices of European Asylum Support Office

    On Friday 7th September Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna was a guest at the inauguration of the new offices of the European Asylum Support Office EASO in Marsa. The Labour MEP’s were at the forefront at the EP pushing for the need of the opening of the Office and are still insisting for fair burden…

  • Prof. Scicluna on ONE ‘Issues’

    Prof. Scicluna on ONE ‘Issues’

    Prof. Edward Scicluna was a guest speaker on Manuel Micallef’s discussion programme on ONE ‘Issues’ on 29 August 2012. The topic was ‘Economic challenges and the Cost of Living’. Other guests were Notary Charles Mangion, Gejtu Vella, u Leonid Mckay.

  • Stagflation is not a Virus

    Stagflation is not a Virus

    According to Eurostat, at 4.2 per cent, Malta has reached the highest inflation rate in the eurozone and the second highest in the whole European Union. In fact, it is almost double the average in both cases. In economics, inflation can be considered as a Hydra, a multi-headed beast which once it inserts itself is…

  • The future beckons – L-MEP u Int – Prog 128

    The future beckons – L-MEP u Int – Prog 128

    Each period has its own circumstances which are particular and identifiable but they change with time’. Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna made this claim during the MEP u INT programme aired last Friday 31st August on Smash TV , during which he spoke of how the past could be a link to the present and…

  • Life must go on

    Life must go on

    Wara mewta ta’ xi ħadd mill-qrib, wara n-niket u t-tifkiriet li ġġib magħha, jkun wieħed mill-familja li normalment jqajjem lil dawk kollha li jkunu mitlufa fil-ħsibijiet  u nostalġiji u jgħidilhom li issa hu dmir ta’ kulhadd li jistenbaħ u jibda jħares ’l quddiem, lejn il-futur, għaliex bħal ma ngħidu bl-Ingliż life must go on. Il-messaġġ…