Author: author_pc

  • Opening of 8th district office in Birkirkara

    Opening of  8th district office in Birkirkara

     Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th district Professor Edward Scicluna officially opened an office in Birkirkara on Saturday 18th August, the eve of the Feast of St Elena. The office which is situated at 43 St Helen Street, Birkirkara will facilitate a closer and constant contact for Prof Scicluna with the constituents of the eighth…

  • Feast of St. Mary – Qrendi and Mqabba

    Feast of St. Mary – Qrendi and Mqabba

    Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna attended the feast of St Mary in the villages of Qrendi and Mqabba on Wednesday 15 August. Prof Scicluna attended a pilgrimage organised by the Parish Church in Qrendi while in Mqabba, he attended the religious procession of St Mary and admired the colourful fireworks displayed during the evening. In…

  • Investiment bil-Għaqal

    Investiment bil-Għaqal

    F’dan iż-żmien ta’ kriżi finanzjarja ħafna huma dawk li jfittxu b’reqqa fejn se jinvestu flushom u dan l-iktar għas-serħan il-moħħ. Il-Maltin u l-Għawdxin huma magħrufa bħala nies bil-għaqal u li jġemmgħu u jinvestu flushom għall-futur, għal dak li jista’ jinqala’. Hemm min ifittex il-pariri ta’ nies professjonali.  Hemm ħafna oħrajn iżda, li jħossuhom mifxula u…

  • Id-dokument ta’ qabel il-Baġit.

    Id-dokument ta’ qabel il-Baġit.

    Il-previżjonijiet ekonomiċi għall-2013: Kemm huma fattibbli?   F’dokument ta’ 54 pagna, il-Gvern jipprezenta dik li fi kliemu hija l-vizjoni ekonomika tieghu ghall-2013. F’dan id-dokument ta’ qabel il-bagit, il-Gvern jispjega x’inhuma l-previzjonijiet ekonomici tieghu u l-miri tieghu fil-qasam ekonomiku ta’ pajjizna. Id-dokument jiftah b’dikjarazzjoni fejn fiha l-Gvern jghid li pajjizna jehtieg ikollu finanzi pubblici li jkunu…

  • The feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord – Lija

    The feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord – Lija

    Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna attended the feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord in Lija last Monday 6th August. He visited the Lija Parish Church and joined the procession. He had the opportunity to visit the clubs and societies in Lija and had the pleasure to meet their committees and members and the people celebrating the…

  • Visit to the Duke of Connaught’s Own Band Club Birkirkara

    Visit to the Duke of Connaught’s Own Band Club Birkirkara

    Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna expressed his deep admiration for the structural work being carried out by the committee and members of the Musical Society Duke of Connaught’s Own at the Club in Birkirkara. Professor Scicluna was invited to visit the Club on Sunday 5 August and he was given full details of the project…

  • Increased spending risks leading country back to excessive deficit procedure

    Increased spending risks leading country back to excessive deficit procedure

    Labour MEP Edward Scicluna said increased levels of spending by government ministries in the first six months of 2012 may be the first indication that Malta will not fall in line with its budgetary targets this year. “We can banish the idea, hinted at by the Minister of Finance, that by the end of the…

  • Feast of St. Peter in Chains, Birżebbuġa

    Feast of St. Peter in Chains, Birżebbuġa

    On the occasion of the feast of St Peter in Chains, Birżebbuġa, Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna attended two vocal and instrumental concerts one by the Soċjeta Filarmonika San Pietru Banda Birżebbuġa on Thursday 2nd August and the other on Friday 3rd August  by the Għaqda Mużikali San Pietru fil-Ktajjen. Professor Scicluna presented a musical instrument to each of the…

  • L-Iskandlu LIBOR

    L-Iskandlu LIBOR

    Matul dawn l-aħħar ġimgħat, id-dinja finanzjarja kienet milquta minn skandlu finanzjarju ieħor, din id-darba fir-rigward tal-mekkaniżmu magħruf bħala LIBOR. Numru ta’ banek prestiġjużi bħal Barclays Bank kienu involuti f’dan l-iskandlu bis-CEO u ċ-Ċermen tal-bank ikunu mġiegħla jirriżenjaw, u bil-bank jeħel multa ta’ 290 miljun lira sterlina. Il-Mekkaniżmu Meta nitkellmu dwar ir-rati tal-imgħax, normalment nassoċjaw dawn…

  • Think before you leap – L-MEP u Int Prog – 126

    Think before you leap –  L-MEP u Int Prog – 126

      ‘It is very important that one thinks carefully and consult with professional people when one is considering investing hard earned money’. Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna discusses this topic in the programme MEP u Int. He gives useful tips about investing wisely and explains how one should be aware of any risks when investing…