Author: author_pc

  • Scicluna – Commission exposes government’s ‘new jobs’ myth [VIDEO]

    Scicluna – Commission exposes government’s ‘new jobs’ myth [VIDEO]

    The government’s claim about job creation has been exposed as a myth after the European Commission told Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna that neither Eurostat nor the national statistical bodies collect data on ‘new jobs’ since the European System of National Accounts (ESA 1995) does not recognise it as a measurable statistic. The Commission was…

  • Lil hinn mill-Prodott Gross Domestiku

    Lil hinn mill-Prodott Gross Domestiku

    Il-kriżi ekonomika u finanzjarja li għadna fiha bħalissa qegħda timbuttana biex nagħmlu affarijiet li forsi kaxkarna saqajna biex nagħmluhom fil-passat.  Hekk per eżempju billi llum hemm il-biża li t-tkabbir ekonomiku ma jkunx daqshekk qawwi daqs kemm kien f’dawn l-aħħar għaxar jew anke għoxrin sena li għaddew, hemm bżonn li l-gvernijiet issa jieħdu deċiżjonijiet kruċjali. Iridu…

  • “Is-Soċjalisti kienu aktar attenti għall-pariri tal-ekonomisti”

    “Is-Soċjalisti kienu aktar attenti għall-pariri tal-ekonomisti”

    Il-politika ta’ Merkel ma hi xejn differenti minn ta’ bankier. Bankier li jsellfek il-flus u jsib li għandek xi problemi biex tħallsu lura, ikun lest li jgħinek pero’ taħt kundizzjonijiet stretti. Jekk ir-raġuni ta’ falliment jew kważi falliment ġej mill-infieq, il-bank ikun iridek tara minn fejn taqla’ iktar flus u tnaqqas l-ispiża. Il-kumplikazzjoni ta’ pajjiż,…

  • EU June 2012 Summit: A real turning point? – L-MEP u Int – Prog 122

    EU June 2012 Summit: A real turning point? –     L-MEP u Int – Prog 122

    In Brussels another Summit is over. The Eurozone leaders have reached an agreement for the loan of 100 thousand million euro for the recapitalisation of the Spanish banking sector. They also agreed on the European Banking and Supervision Union. This is being considered as a positive agreement. This Summit has also its relevant importance for…

  • Professor Edward Scicluna MEP addresses European Youth Press Journalists [VIDEO]

    Professor Edward Scicluna MEP addresses European Youth Press Journalists [VIDEO]

    Labour MEP  Professor Edward Scicluna addressed a group of young journalists from around Europe on the role of the European Parliament on Friday 6th July. Professor Scicluna fielded several questions from the young journalists. The discussion covered issues including how austerity is affecting the European attitude towards showing solidarity with each other, the link between…

  • Acta veto a ‘victory for freedom’ says Scicluna

    Acta veto a ‘victory for freedom’ says Scicluna

    Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna welcomed today’s overwhelming defeat of the controversial anti-counterfeit treaty Acta, describing it as a “victory for freedom on the Internet.”  Prof Scicluna was speaking after MEPs in Strasbourg refused to consent to the deal negotiated by the European Commission rejecting by 478 votes to 165. Under the Lisbon Treaty the European Parliament must give its consent…

  • Ir-riċessjoni taħt il-lenti

    Ir-riċessjoni taħt il-lenti

    Għal ħafna nies m’hemmx bżonn statistika biex ikunu jafu li l-ekonomija daħlet f’riċessjoni. Iħossuha. Oħrajn ikunu jafu biss meta l-midja tħabbarha. Ftit ġimgħat ilu l-Uffiċċju Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika (NSO) ħareġ figuri li juru li, għat-tieni perjodu konsekuttiv ta’ tliet xhur, l-Prodott Gross Domestiku (PGD) waqa’. Dan ifisser li teknikament l-pajjiż daħal f’riċessjoni. Filfatt ir-ricessjoni tkun bdiet…

  • Governments must look at GDP and beyond – L-MEP u Int – Prog 121

    Governments must look at GDP and beyond – L-MEP u Int – Prog 121

      L-ewroparlamentari Laburista il-Professur Edward Scicluna nhar it-Tlieta 26 ta’ Ġunju kien il-kelliem ewlieni fl-ewwel sessjoni ta’ konferenza Ewropea li saret f’Pariġi u li kienet organizzata mill-Organizzazzjoni Għall-Koperazzjoni u L-Iżvilupp Ekonomiku, l-OECD. F’din il-konferenza l-esperti għarblu sew ħafna studji li saru tul is-snin dwar indikaturi ġodda li jridu jmorru lil hinn mill-Prodott Gross Domestiku. Din…

  • Financial services in the European institutions

    Financial services in the European institutions

    It is nearly three years since I was elected to serve as one of Malta’s MEPs and was appointed as a Vice-Chairman of the Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs committee. As we are too well aware, the last few years have been dominated by a crisis of the financial sector, which caused a worldwide recession,…

  • Scicluna – Govts must look at GDP and beyond

    Scicluna – Govts must look at GDP and beyond

    Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna on Tuesday 26 June,  called for European governments to give higher priority to policies aimed at improving the quality of life during a key-note speech at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris. He told delegates that “the economic crisis has forced us to re-assess the traditional…