Author: author_pc

  • Commission confirms minister’s failure to heed deficit warning

    Commission confirms minister’s failure to heed deficit warning

    Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna today accused Finance Minister Tonio Fenech of repeatedly failing to heed the two explicit warnings prior to the publication of the 2012 Budget after the European Commission confirmed that it had repeatedly warned the government that Malta’s budget deficit would fall short of expectations. After an implied third and final…

  • Coffee Morning – Il-Ħamis 17 ta’ Mejju

    Coffee Morning – Il-Ħamis 17 ta’ Mejju

    Qed tiġi organizzata attivita’ ta’ Coffee Morning mill-ħbieb tal-Prof. Edward Scicluna MEP nhar il-Ħamis 17 ta’ Mejju 2012 mil-8.45am sal-12.30 f’San Antonio Hotel and Spa, il-Qawra. Biljetti mingħand il-helpers jew ċemplu fuq 79241278.  

  • SPV – Strument speċjali għal Parlament u teatru speċjali

    SPV – Strument speċjali għal Parlament u teatru speċjali

    SPV – Strument Speċjali għal Parlament u Teatru Speċjali   “Jekk ħadd ma jrid li t-taxxi jiżdiedu, minn fejn ġejjin il-flus għal dan il-kapriċċ speċjali tal-Prim Ministru li l-poplu Malti qed jitwikka bih għall-għoxrin sena li ġejjin kontra r-rieda tiegħu?“ Il-gvern ħabbar li se joħloq Special Purpose Vehicle, jew SPV fil-qosor, biex jiffinanzja l-proġett ta’…

  • MEP SCICLUNA votes against the Financial Transaction Tax in ECON

    MEP SCICLUNA votes against the Financial Transaction Tax in ECON

    The European Central Bank governor has taken the same position as Malta on the proposed introduction of an EU-wide financial transaction tax, saying it will not work unless introduced on a global level. “To be practical, an FTT would have to be undertaken by all countries, otherwise you will have a displacement of industry towards…

  • Special Purpose Vehicle – L-MEP u Int – Prog 112

    Special Purpose Vehicle – L-MEP u Int – Prog 112

    Government has just announced the setting up a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to finance City Gate Project.  Labour MEP Prof. Edward Scicluna talks about this financing mechanism and explains its pros and cons. Il-Gvern għadu kif ħabbar li ser joħloq Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) biex jiffinanzja l-proġett ta’ Bieb il-Belt.  L-MPE Laburista, il-Prof. Edward Scicluna jitkellem dwar dan il-mekkaniżmu finanzjarju u jispjega l-vantaġġi…

  • MEP Scicluna nominated to represent Parliament on EU statistical board [VIDEO]

    MEP Scicluna nominated to represent Parliament on EU statistical board [VIDEO]

      Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna was today nominated by acclamation by the European Parliament’s Economic Committee (ECON) to represent the Parliament on the European Statistical Advisory Committee (ESAC). ESAC is the governing body responsible for co-ordinating the production and maintaining the quality of statistics in the EU. Prof Scicluna will be the European Parliament’s only representative…

  • Germany’s Influence in the EU – Edward Scicluna – L-MEP u Int Prog 111

    Germany’s Influence in the EU – Edward Scicluna – L-MEP u Int Prog 111

      Germany’s influence on the rest of the EU and, in particular, on the Eurozone is strong and evident. Labour MEP Edward Scicluna discusses Germany’s influence and what this means even for Malta, on the programme L-MEP u Int. (The MEP and you)     L-Influwenza tal-Ġermanja fuq l-UE L-influwenza li għandha l-Ġermanja fuq il-bqija…

  • City Gate SPV robbing future generations of state revenues

    City Gate SPV robbing future generations of state revenues

    Labour leader Joseph Muscat sounded the Opposition’s first statement against the financing of the City Gate project’s special purpose vehicle, saying Labour will not support the parliamentary resolution to transfer the airport’s and cruise liner terminal’s leases to Malita Investments plc. Muscat said the government was clearly unable to finance the €80 million project for a new…

  • Aħjar tard milli qatt

    Aħjar tard milli qatt

    “Li jikkonċerna l-Kummissarju għall-Affarijiet Ekonomiċi u Monetarji Olli Rehn huma d-dinamiċi tad-dejn nazzjonali ta’ pajjiżna, li huwa mbassar li jikber fl-2012 u l-2013” Il-ġimgħa li għaddiet, fi Strasburgu, smajna l-President tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea Barroso jitkellem, fis-seduta Plenarja, dwar il-ħtieġa ta’ pjan Ewropew għat-tkabbir u l-ħolqien tal-impjiegi. Ewreka! Aħjar tard milli qatt. Naturalment dan sar meta l-mudell tal-awsterità, waħdu, kien qed ifalli…

  • Systemic failure, no doubt

    Systemic failure, no doubt

    The research study by Caritas Malta focusing on three categories of low-income households has managed to shock the authorities, the social partners and the Maltese society at large. It is now established that poverty is truly among us. It is no longer a matter of conjecture. Eurostat had been saying the same for the last…