Author: author_pc

  • It-tkabbir ekonomiku

    It-tkabbir ekonomiku

    Ir-raġuni għaliex il-grupp tagħna fil-Parlament Ewropew, il-Grupp tal-Alleanza tas-Soċjalisti u Demokratiċi (S&D) kien ivvota kontra r-regolamenti ġodda ta’ dixxiplina fuq membri taż-Żona Euro, magħrufin bħala s-Six Pack, kienet għax l-unika rimedju propost kien dak ta’ programmi t’awsterità u xejn ta’ tkabbir ekonomiku. Illum però l-folja qiegħda tinqaleb u t-tkabbir ekonomiku qed jissemma iżjed u iżjed.…

  • EC Vice-President Tajani at Malta Business Bureau Meeting

    EC Vice-President Tajani at Malta Business Bureau Meeting

    Professor Edward Scicluna MEP was invited to participate in a high profile business breakfast debate organised by the Malta Business Bureau (MBB) on Monday 5th March at the Grand Excelsior Hotel in Floriana. Stakeholders from the Maltese business sector had the opportunity to meet with the European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani.  Representatives from the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and…

  • Elezzjoni tal-Kunsilli Lokali 2012

    Elezzjoni tal-Kunsilli Lokali 2012

      F’maltemp qalil f’ Jum l-Elezzjoni tal-Kunsilli Lokali nhar is-Sibt, 10 ta’ Marzu l-Ewroparlamentari  Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna żar il-lokalitajietta’ l-Iklin, Hal-Safi, Birżebbuga, Marsaxlokk, Żurrieq u Hal-Kirkop fejn iltaqa’ mal-kandidati Laburisti u ma’ uffiċjali lokali tal-Partit Laburista u nies oħra li kienu qed jgħinu f’dan il-proċess demokratiku.   [nggallery id=74] — Nhar il-Hadd 11 ta’ Marzu L-Ewroparlamentari…

  • Economic Growth – L-MEP u Int – Prog 106

    Economic Growth – L-MEP u Int – Prog 106

    The Alliance of Socialists and Democrats(S&D) voted against the new disciplinary rules known as the ‘Six Pack’ because no reference was made to economic growth. It looks now that the situation is changing and economic growth is back on the agenda and no longer considered as taboo. Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna discusses this issue in…

  • MIA-ICAEW Collaboration & Regulatory Update

    MIA-ICAEW Collaboration & Regulatory Update

      Prof Edward Scicluna was invited to speak at the above event held on Friday 2nd March at the Malta Hilton. As Vice-Chairman of ECON in the European Parliament he gave the background to the reports regarding the Audit and Accountancy directives going through the various stages in the EP. He said that the main…

  • The Democratic Process in the Mediterranean and the Middle East

    The Democratic Process in the Mediterranean  and the Middle East

      Professor Edward Scicluna MEP participated in a seminar entitled ‘The Democratic Process in the Mediterranean and the Middle East’ organised by the local Association of Former Members of Parliament on Friday 2nd March. The seminar, held at the Committee Room of the Parliament of Malta, was held under the auspices of the Speaker of…

  • RIO+20


    Bħalissa fil-Parlament Malti qed jiġi diskuss abbozz ta’ liġi msejjaħ “Att ta’ Liġi biex jintegra l-iżvilupp sostenibbli fil-ħidma tal-Gvern u biex jippromwovi l-adozzjoni tiegħu”. Forsi wieħed jaħseb li qed inkun kattiv meta ngħid ‘about time too’. Dan għax qed indaħħlu operat b’mod formali fil-Gvern sewwa sew 20 sena wara li kkommettejna ruħna li nagħmlu dan!…

  • Sustainable Development – L-MEP u Int – Prog 105

    Sustainable Development – L-MEP u Int – Prog 105

    The word ‘Sustainable Development’ over these last years has become a buzz word used by politicians, economists and others. At the present time the Maltese Parliament is discussing a draft bill which calls for the integration of sustainable development in the Government policies and to promote its adoption. This concept of sustainable development first came…

  • Laqgha ta’ Diskussjoni – EJJA U STAQSI – 1 ta’ Marzu, 2012 – Centru Laburista,Qrendi

    Laqgha ta’ Diskussjoni – EJJA U STAQSI – 1 ta’ Marzu, 2012 – Centru Laburista,Qrendi

    Il-Kontabilita u n-nuqqas taghha,id-dejn, il-korruzzjoni , l-hela u nuqqas ta’ ghaqal fit-tmexxija kienu fost s-suggetti li gew diskussi mill-Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna f’Laqgha ta’ Diskussjoni ohra ‘Ejja u Staqsi’ li saret il-Hamis l-1 ta’ Marzu fil-Qrendi. Il-Professur Scicluna tkellem ukoll dwar l-ordni li nghatat mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea lill-Gvern Malti biex inaqqas 40 miljun ewro mill-bagit…

  • Laqgha ta’ Diskussjoni – EJJA U STAQSI – Il-Hamis, 1 ta’ Marzu – Centru Laburista, Qrendi

    Laqgha ta’ Diskussjoni – EJJA U STAQSI – Il-Hamis, 1 ta’ Marzu – Centru Laburista, Qrendi

    Il-Hamis, 1 ta’ Marzu tkompli s-sensiela ta’ diskussjonijiet Pubblici, ‘Ejja u Staqsi’ li ser issir il-Hamis 1 ta’ Marzu, Centru Laburista, l-Qrendi, fis-7.30 pm. L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna jkompli jiltaqa’ u jiddiskuti mal-kostitwenti, jitkellem dwar l-ahhar zviluppi fil-Parlament Ewropew kif ukoll dwar il-krizi fiz-zona ewro. Dawk prezenti jinghataw kull opportunita jaghmlulu mistoqsijiet.   PUBLIC DISCUSSIONS WITH…