‘Bailout’ ieħor għalxejn?
Aktar kmieni din il-ġimgħa wara laqgħa twila fi Brussels il-Ministri tal-Finanzi taż-Żona Ewro laħqu ftehim li jsellfu lill-Greċja €130 biljun oħra biex tevita falliment ċert. Għaliex damu dawk is-sigħat kollha biex laħqu l-ftehim? Il-verità hi li mhux sigħat twal biss ħadu iżda ġimgħat twal għax din l-istorja ilha ġejja minn qabel il-milied. Il-problema hi…
Feasibility of stability bonds. European Parliament plenary session Strasbourg
Mr President, enough time has passed since the current crisis started for a vigilant observer to note that the crisis resolution remedies are not working. Much energy and time was lost by our EU institutions in devising ways to prevent a sovereign debt crisis from occurring again, rather than addressing the more immediate present and clear danger…
“Another bail-out in vain?” – L-MEP u Int – Prog 104
Il-Ministri tal-Finanzi taz-zona ewro wara negozjati twal u difficli lahqu ftehim sabiex il-Grecja tinghata 130 biljun ewro ohra. Dan biex il-Grecja tkun tista b’xi mod tlahhaq mal-obbligi taghha tal-hlas tal-imghaxijiet fuq id-djun kbar li ghandha u ma tfallix. L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna jiffoka fuq dan il-ftehim fil-Programm MEP u INT 104 Greece was bailed out…
Call me Bond
Matul is-seduta plenarja tal-Parlament Ewropew fi Strasburgu iktar kmieni l-ġimgħa l-oħra, ġiet approvata riżoluzzjoni dwar l-hekk imsejħa Stability jew Eurobonds – skema ta’ bejgħ ta’ bonds mill-pajjiżi Ewropej fuq skala Ewropea minflok dik ta’ bħalissa, fejn kull membru jbigħ il-bonds individwalment. M’hemm ebda dubju, sew għall-grupp tagħna tal-Alleanza Soċjalista u Demokratika, però anke għall-Parlament, dan…
Stability Bonds – L-MEP u INT – Prog 103
Matul is-seduta Plenarja tal-Parlament Ewropew fi Strasburgu giet approvata rizuluzzjoni dwar l-hekk imsejha Stability Bonds.Din hija skema ta’ bejgh ta’ bonds mill-pajjizi Ewropej fuq skala Ewropea. L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna kien is-shadow Rapporteur ta’ dan ir-Rapport f’isem l-Allejanza Socjalista u Demokratika. Aktar dwar dan fil-Programm 103 mis-sensiela MEP u INT — Common Eurbonds have…
Labour MEP welcomes move forward on Eurobonds
Labour MEP welcomes adoption of first form resolution on the feasibility of stability bonds by the European Parliament saying it was an important step toward budgetary discipline. Labour MEP Edward Scicluna says well-designed stability bonds could improve liquidity in the bond market, but also bind in rules on budgetary discipline. Labour MEP and Socialist and…
Laqgha ta’ Diskussjoni – EJJA U STAQSI – L-Erbgha, 8 ta’ Frar – Melita Gardens, Balzan
The current political situation in Malta, the Report on European Statistics, education, the environment were, amongst other subjects, discussed by Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna during a public meeting ‘Ejja u Staqsi’ which was held at Balzan on the 8th February. Speaking on the negative impact of the local political situation, Prof Scicluna expressed his…
European Statistics Report – L-MEP u Int – Prog 102
The L-MEP u Int aired on Friday February 10th 2012 ____________________________________
Economic Committee adopts Edward Scicluna’s report on European statistics
Labour MEP Edward Scicluna’s Report on the Quality Management of European Statistics was approved with an overwhelming majority by the European Parliament´s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee. The report focused on improving the quality of European Statistics by improving the independence of statistical agencies and the quality of upstream data collected especially from government…