Author: author_pc

  • Brexit bla Ftehim ikun Katastrofiku

    Brexit bla Ftehim ikun Katastrofiku

    Aktar kmieni din il-ġimgħa kont għal laqgħat fi Brussell. Fost dawn il-laqgħat kellna dik tal-EUROGROUP li tiġbor il-Ministri għall-Finanzi tal-membri stati fiż-żona ewro, u kif ukoll tal-ECOFIN li tiġbor il-ministri tal-membri stati kollha.   Dawn iż-żewġ laqgħat ġibdu l-interess tal-midja nternazzjonali. Filfatt ġejt intervistat minn Bloomberg, stazzjon televiżiv ferm importanti. Jista’ jkun li dawn il-laqgħat…

  • DBRS affirms Malta’s rating at ‘a (high)’ with a stable outlook

    DBRS affirms Malta’s rating at ‘a (high)’ with a stable outlook

    Following the positive sovereign credit ratings by Fitch and Moody’s earlier this year, DBRS, a reputable Canadian credit rating agency, has confirmed Malta’s sovereign credit rating at ‘A (high)’ with a stable outlook. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE DBRS notes that the ‘A (high)’ rating is mainly supported by Malta’s strong external position,…

  • Bilateral meeting with Italian Economy and Finance Minister Giovanni Tria

    Bilateral meeting with Italian Economy and Finance Minister Giovanni Tria

    A bilateral meeting was held on Friday between Finance Minister Edward Scicluna and Italian Economy and Finance Minister Giovanni Tria on the fringes of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank constituency meeting held in Malta. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The two Ministers pledged to intensify the good relationship built…

  • Better to have convincing tax proposals rather than resorting to abolishing unanimity on tax matters

    Better to have convincing tax proposals rather than resorting to abolishing unanimity on tax matters

    The idea that is being floated by the European Commission on ending unanimity on tax matters in the Council of the European Union “is not just a matter of sovereignty but more importantly about the possible use of force when the power of conviction is lacking”. This is how Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna described…

  • Combating tax fraud at the European level

    Combating tax fraud at the European level

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna welcomed the tax officials from the 28 member states attending the 12th meeting of the Eurofisc Group Working Field 1 dealing with MTIC fraud. The two-day conference, hosted by Malta, is being held at the Grand Hotel Excelsior Malta between the 6th and 7th of February. PRESS RELEASE BY THE…

  • Żvilupp Sostennibli : X’ifisser?

    Żvilupp Sostennibli : X’ifisser?

    Il-kelma sostennibilita` tintuża sew minn uffiċjali tal-gvern li jiddikjaraw il-politika tal-gvern bħala waħda sostennibli, kif ukoll mill-opożizzjoni li jikkritikaw xi poltika tal-gvern, għal fatt li jgħidu li ma hix sostennibli. Ħafna drabi l-kelma sostennibilita’ nużawha ma’ kelma oħra :  l-iżvilupp u ngħidu “żvilupp sostennibli”. Bħal kull ħaġa oħra din il-kelma għandha oriġini. L-oriġini tagħha ma…

  • Commission considers Malta as one of the most dynamic economies in the EU in its Winter 2019 Forecast

    Commission considers Malta as one of the most dynamic economies in the EU in its Winter 2019 Forecast

    The European Commission described Malta as one of the most dynamic economies in the EU in its Winter 2019 Economic Forecast as Malta secured the highest forecasted economic growth rate in the EU for the years 2019 and 2020. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The Winter Forecast also revised upwards the outlook from…

  • It-Tifsira tal-Olokawst għal-Lum

    It-Tifsira tal-Olokawst għal-Lum

    Din il-ġimgħa d-dinja fakkret avveniment ikrah li nfakkruh ta’ kull sena, l-Olokawst. Għaliex huwa importanti li d-dinja tiqba’ tiftakar fih. F’dan l-akbar ġenoċidju tas-seklu għoxrin inqatlu mas-sitt miljun Lhudi. Din il-ġrajja seħħet 74 sena ilu. Huma nqatlu bl-aktar mod krudili, dan hekk kif ġew ittorturati, isofru l-ġuħ u maqtula. Mhux l-iskop tiegħi li nidħol fid-dettall…

  • ‘Paving the way towards a Sustainable Maltese Economy – Looking ahead to 2050’

    ‘Paving the way towards a Sustainable Maltese Economy – Looking ahead to 2050’

    The Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change organised a conference titled ‘Paving the way towards a Sustainable Maltese Economy – Looking ahead to 2050’. Minister for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change José Herrera and Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna delivered the opening speeches at this conference, the first of a…

  • Fitch affirms Malta at ‘A+’ with a stable outlook

    Fitch affirms Malta at ‘A+’ with a stable outlook

    The Ministry for Finance welcomes another positive credit rating report published by another renowned credit rating agency—Fitch—affirming Malta’s sovereign credit rating at ‘A+’ with a stable outlook. PRESS RELEASE BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The credit rating report attributes the ‘A+’ rating to Malta’s high income per capita, strong governance and human development indicators relative…