Author: author_pc

  • Moody’s affirms Malta’s rating at A3 with a positive outlook

    Moody’s affirms Malta’s rating at A3 with a positive outlook

    The Ministry for Finance welcomes the latest update to Moody’s credit opinion report which affirmed Malta’s sovereign rating at A3 with a positive outlook. Moody’s attributes the A3 rating to the Maltese economy’s robust growth dynamics, relatively elevated wealth levels that support the country’s shock-absorption capacity, and a stable and conservative domestically oriented banking sector. Moody’s…

  • Benefiċċju msaħħaħ għal djar affordabbli

    Benefiċċju msaħħaħ għal djar affordabbli

    Kif imwiegħed f’Baġit 2019, mil-lum daħal fis-seħħ benefiċċju ġdid tal-kera ta’ residenzi privati li se jieħu post is-sussidju eżistenti. STQARRIJA MILL-MINISTERU GĦALL-FINANZI U MIS-SEGRETARJAT PARLAMENTARI GĦALL-AKKOMODAZZJONI SOĊJALI B’kuntrast mas-sussidju li kien jingħata sal-lum, il-benefiċċju l-ġdid se jirrifletti aktar il-prezzijiet reali tal-kera, se jkollu rekwiżiti aktar ġusti ma’ każijiet ġenwini u se jinħadem mhux biss fuq…

  • Development Banks and Private Public Partnerships relate together, as they lead to investment which in turn leads to economic growth

    Development Banks and Private Public Partnerships relate together, as they lead to investment which in turn leads to economic growth

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna stated this while addressing two seminars organised by the Ministry for Finance, which discussed investment through development banks and Public Private Partnerships, on Monday 28th January 2019. “There is no such thing as too much investment” – Minister Scicluna In his speech Minister Scicluna said that the Government is seeking to…

  • Bdejna s-Sena l-Ġdida bit-Tajjeb

    Bdejna s-Sena l-Ġdida bit-Tajjeb

    Fl-ewwel ġimgħat ta’ sena ġdida nibdew nagħlqu l-kotba finanzjarji tal-Gvern tas -sena ta’ qabel. B’hekk naraw kif sejjer l-andament ta’ pajjiżna. Minn din l-istatistika wieħed jista’ jara jekk pajjiżna għadhiex ‘on-track’ fil-baġit kif Kiev ippjanat ghas-sena 2018 u kif ukoll jekk minn dan l-andament finanzjarju hux ser inżommu l-finanzi b’surplus filwaqt li d-dejn ikompli jinżel.…

  • L-Ewwel Skoss Ekonomiku għal Ġermanja

    L-Ewwel Skoss Ekonomiku għal Ġermanja

    Ftit kienu emmnu t-tbassir li sar meta l-President Amerikan Donald Trump iddikjara li ried jintroduċi xi tariffi fuq l-importanzi tal-azzar biex jiddefendi x-xogħol f’pajjiżu. Dak inhar konna għidna sew li kien beda jberraq bl-ikrah fuq id-dinja. Propju meta Trump ħabbar dawn it-tarrifi, jien kont għidt li mill-esperjenza ekonomika li għandi din ma kinetx xi ħaġa…

  • Eurogroup and ECOFIN Meetings – 21st and 22nd January 2019

    Eurogroup and ECOFIN Meetings – 21st and 22nd January 2019

    Finance Minister Edward Scicluna participated in the Eurogroup and ECOFIN meetings which were held in Brussels, on the 21st and 22nd January. The Eurogroup meeting has on its agenda the deepening of the European Monetary Union as a follow-up to the last December Euro Summit. Progress on the new budgetary instrument for competition and convergence can only…

  • Malta records the largest surplus and highest decrease in debt in the EU

    Malta records the largest surplus and highest decrease in debt in the EU

    The Ministry for Finance welcomes the latest public finance statistics published by Eurostat which show that in the third quarter of 2018, Malta recorded the highest fiscalsurplus (3.8%), and the largest decrease in its debt-to-GDP ratio (-3.1 p.p.) amongst the 28 EU member states.   Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna said that such records continue to “keep Malta at the…

  • Finance Minister Edward Scicluna in London for meetings

    Finance Minister Edward Scicluna in London for meetings

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna was in London for talks with senior officials from the financial services industry, potential investors, and the media representatives. The minister was accompanied by the special envoy of the Prime Minister for investment and promotion Joe Zammit Tabona, Chairman of the Malta Stock Exchange Joseph Portelli, Chief Executive Officer of…

  • Training towards a continuously changing landscape

    Training towards a continuously changing landscape

    Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna and Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds and Social Dialogue Aaron Farrugia addressed a conference on Wednesday morning held at the National Statistics Offices in Valletta. This conference launched a three-year specialised training programme designed for national statisticians and other statistical officers, with the intension of increasing efficiency and providing a better service…

  • L-Istorja tal-Milied u l-Immigranti Irregolari

    L-Istorja tal-Milied u l-Immigranti Irregolari

    Għaddew il-festi u bdiet is-sena l-ġdida. Nistgħu ngħidu li kellna festi tajba bħala pajjiż b’konsum ferm ikbar mis-soltu. Madankollu ħaġa morra kellna wkoll matul dawn il-festi. Din kienet il-kwistjoni tal-immigranti fuq żewġ vapuri li daħħalnihom jistkennu fl-ibħra Maltin. Aħna l-Maltin tgħajnihom il-protezzjoni. Madankollu xorta waħda hi ironija kbira li fil-Milied fejn nirrakontaw l-istorja ta’ Ġesu…